Discussion Topic: Hobbies and Interests

Hobbies and Interests

Summary: Discuss various hobbies, how they started, and why they enjoy them.



  • What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?
  • How did you get started with your favorite hobby?
  • Are there any hobbies you would like to try in the future?

Discussing Hobbies and Interests

  • What is your favorite hobby? How did you get started with it?
  • How often do you spend time on your hobbies? Do you wish you had more time for them?
  • Do you prefer hobbies that are active, like sports, or hobbies that are more relaxing, like reading? Why?
  • Have your hobbies changed since you were a child? How are they different now?
  • Is there a hobby you would like to try but haven’t yet? What’s stopping you?
  • Do you enjoy hobbies that you can do alone, or do you prefer those that involve other people? Why?

Vocabulary Related to Hobbies

  • Can you name five hobbies that are popular in your country? Which ones do you like the most?
  • What equipment or materials do you need for your favorite hobby? How do you use them?
  • How would you describe your hobby to someone who has never tried it before?
  • Do you have any hobbies that involve creativity, like painting or writing? What do you create?
  • Are there any hobbies that you think require a lot of skill or practice? Which ones, and why?

Leisure Activities, Likes, and Dislikes

  • How do you usually spend your free time? Do you prefer being busy or relaxing?
  • What kind of music do you like to listen to in your free time? Do you play any instruments?
  • Are there any hobbies you used to do but don’t anymore? Why did you stop?
  • Do you enjoy watching movies or TV shows? What types of movies or shows do you prefer?
  • What are some hobbies or activities that you don’t enjoy? Why don’t you like them?
  • How do you feel about hobbies that involve physical activity, like hiking or dancing? Do you enjoy them?

Comprehending Texts About Hobbies

  • Have you ever read an article or a book about a hobby? What did you learn from it?
  • What is the most interesting fact you know about someone else’s hobby? How did you learn about it?
  • Have you ever followed a tutorial or video to learn a new hobby? How did it go?
  • Can you recommend a good website, blog, or book for someone who wants to learn more about your hobby?
  • Do you think reading about a hobby is as enjoyable as doing the hobby itself? Why or why not?

Dialogues About Hobbies and Interests

  • How do you talk about your hobbies when you meet someone new? Do you find it easy to share your interests?
  • Have you ever made a friend through a shared hobby? What was the experience like?
  • What would you say to someone who wanted to start a hobby you are passionate about? How would you encourage them?
  • If you could spend a day with someone who is an expert in your favorite hobby, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
  • How do you feel when you meet someone with similar hobbies to yours? Do you enjoy talking about them?

Advanced Dialogue: Discussing Hobbies


  • Anna: A creative individual who enjoys a variety of artistic hobbies.
  • Ben: An outdoor enthusiast with a passion for sports and nature activities.

Setting: A park on a sunny day with a picturesque view. Anna and Ben are sitting on a bench, enjoying the scenery and talking about their hobbies.

Anna: It’s such a beautiful day, perfect for being outside. Do you have any favorite outdoor activities, Ben?


Ben: Definitely. I love hiking and mountain biking. Being out in nature helps me relax and stay fit. How about you, Anna? What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?


Anna: I’m really into painting and photography. I love capturing the beauty of nature and transforming it into art. It’s a great way to express myself and unwind after a busy day.


Ben: That sounds wonderful. How did you get started with your favorite hobby?


Anna: I started painting when I was a kid. My grandmother was an artist, and she taught me the basics. As for photography, I picked it up in college when I took a photography class as an elective. It quickly became a passion of mine. How did you get into hiking and mountain biking?


Ben: My parents used to take me hiking when I was young, and I fell in love with it. Mountain biking came later when a friend introduced me to it during high school. The adrenaline rush and the sense of freedom got me hooked.


Anna: That’s great! Are there any hobbies you would like to try in the future?


Ben: I’ve been thinking about trying rock climbing. It looks challenging but also really rewarding. What about you? Any new hobbies you’re interested in?


Anna: I’d love to learn how to play the guitar. Music has always been a big part of my life, and I think playing an instrument would be a fantastic way to explore that interest further.


Ben: Playing the guitar sounds like a lot of fun. Have you taken any steps towards starting that hobby?


Anna: I’ve watched a few online tutorials and even borrowed a guitar from a friend. Now, I just need to find the time to practice regularly. What about you and rock climbing? Any plans to get started?


Ben: I’m planning to take a beginner’s class at a local climbing gym next month. I figure it’s a good way to learn the basics in a controlled environment before trying it outdoors.


Anna: That’s a smart approach. It’s always good to start with the basics and build up your skills. Do you think your other hobbies will help you with rock climbing?


Ben: Definitely. The physical fitness I’ve gained from hiking and biking should help with the strength and endurance needed for climbing. Plus, I’m already comfortable with being outdoors and dealing with different terrains.


Anna: That’s true. Your experience will definitely come in handy. I’m excited to hear about your rock climbing adventures once you get started!


Ben: Thanks, Anna! And I can’t wait to hear you play the guitar someday. It’s always great to share our hobbies and support each other in trying new things.


Anna: Absolutely. It’s inspiring to hear about what others are passionate about. Here’s to many more hobby-related adventures!

Writing About Hobbies

  • Write about your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it so much.
  • Describe a time when you learned something new about your hobby. How did it change the way you enjoy it?
  • Imagine you could create a new hobby that doesn’t exist yet. What would it be, and how would people enjoy it?
  • Write about a hobby you used to have but no longer do. Why did you stop, and do you miss it?
  • Describe how your hobby makes you feel. Does it help you relax, get excited, or something else?