Social Media

Discussing Social Media Usage

  • How often do you use social media? Which platforms do you use the most?
  • What do you usually do when you’re on social media (e.g., chat with friends, share photos, watch videos)?
  • Do you follow any celebrities or influencers on social media? Why or why not?
  • How do you decide what to post on social media? Do you think carefully about it?
  • What do you like most about using social media? What do you dislike?
  • How do you feel when you see someone’s post that gets a lot of likes or comments? Does it affect you?

Vocabulary Related to Social Media

  • Can you name some common terms related to social media (e.g., post, like, share, comment)? How would you use them in a sentence?
  • What is a “hashtag”? How do people use hashtags on social media?
  • What does it mean to “go viral” on social media? Can you give an example?
  • What is the difference between a “follower” and a “friend” on social media?
  • What are some examples of social media content (e.g., memes, stories, reels)? Which type do you enjoy the most?
  • What is an “algorithm,” and how do you think it affects what you see on social media?

Understanding the Impact of Social Media

  • How do you think social media affects the way people communicate with each other?
  • Do you believe social media has a positive or negative impact on society? Why?
  • Have you ever learned something important from social media? What was it?
  • How do you feel about the amount of time people spend on social media? Is it too much or just right?
  • Do you think social media influences the way people see themselves? How?
  • How do you feel when you see news or information on social media? Do you always believe it?

Conversations About Social Media and Its Influence

  • How do you talk about social media with your friends or family? Do you discuss its benefits and drawbacks?
  • Have you ever taken a break from social media? How did it affect you?
  • How do you feel about online privacy? Are you careful about what you share on social media?
  • Do you think social media can affect friendships? How?
  • How do you handle negative comments or “trolling” on social media? Have you ever experienced it?
  • Have you ever discovered a new hobby, interest, or skill through social media? What was it?

The Influence of Social Media: Has Social Media Made Us More Connected or More Isolated?


Social media platforms have revolutionized the way we communicate, share information, and build communities. While these platforms have brought people closer together and enabled instant communication across the globe, there are concerns about their impact on mental health, the quality of relationships, and societal cohesion. This topic explores whether social media has ultimately made us more connected or more isolated, considering various aspects such as communication, mental health, and community building.


Enhanced Communication:

    • Global Connectivity: Social media allows people to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances regardless of geographic location, facilitating relationships that might otherwise be impossible.
      • Example: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp enable users to maintain relationships with distant relatives and friends, fostering a sense of global community.
    • Real-time Information Sharing: Instant messaging and live updates enable real-time communication, which is particularly useful in emergencies and for staying updated with current events.
      • Example: Twitter and other social media platforms have been instrumental in sharing real-time updates during natural disasters and political events.

Community Building:

    • Interest-based Groups: Social media provides a platform for people with shared interests to form communities, support groups, and fan bases.
      • Example: Reddit, Facebook Groups, and other platforms host communities on topics ranging from hobbies to support groups for mental health.
    • Social Movements and Activism: Social media has been a powerful tool for organizing social movements and raising awareness about important issues.
      • Example: Movements like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter have gained global traction and mobilized millions through social media.

Access to Information and Learning:

    • Educational Content: Social media offers access to a wealth of educational resources and learning opportunities.
      • Example: YouTube and LinkedIn Learning provide tutorials, lectures, and professional development courses.
    • Awareness and Advocacy: Social media helps raise awareness about various causes and issues, encouraging civic engagement and advocacy.
      • Example: Campaigns on social media have successfully raised funds and awareness for disaster relief, health crises, and social justice causes.


Mental Health Impacts:

    • Addiction and Overuse: Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction, affecting productivity, sleep patterns, and overall well-being.
      • Example: Studies have shown that prolonged social media use can be linked to increased anxiety, depression, and feelings of loneliness.
    • Comparison and Self-esteem: Constant exposure to curated and idealized images of others’ lives can lead to negative self-comparison and lower self-esteem.
      • Example: Instagram and other visual platforms can contribute to body image issues and unrealistic expectations of success and happiness.

Quality of Relationships:

    • Superficial Connections: Social media often promotes quantity over quality in relationships, leading to more superficial connections rather than deep, meaningful ones.
      • Example: Having hundreds of Facebook friends does not necessarily equate to having strong, supportive relationships.
    • Reduced Face-to-face Interactions: Increased online interactions may reduce face-to-face communication, which is crucial for developing deep and authentic relationships.
      • Example: People may spend more time interacting online rather than engaging in real-life social activities and experiences.

Community Fragmentation and Echo Chambers:

    • Echo Chambers: Social media algorithms often reinforce existing beliefs by showing users content that aligns with their views, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives.
      • Example: Political polarization is exacerbated by social media platforms that create echo chambers, contributing to societal divisions.
    • Misinformation and Fake News: The rapid spread of misinformation and fake news on social media can lead to confusion, mistrust, and harmful behaviors.
      • Example: The spread of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines on social media platforms has impacted public health efforts.

Discussion Questions:


    • How has social media changed the way we communicate with each other on a daily basis?
    • Do you think social media has improved or degraded the quality of our communication? Why?

Mental Health:

    • In what ways can social media positively impact mental health? Are there specific examples you can think of?
    • How can individuals and society mitigate the negative mental health effects of social media use?

Community Building:

    • What are some of the most impactful ways social media has helped build and support communities?
    • How can social media platforms improve their role in fostering positive and inclusive communities?

Personal Experience:

    • Have you personally felt more connected or more isolated due to your use of social media? Can you share an example?
    • How do you balance your social media use to ensure it benefits your personal and social well-being?

Regulation and Responsibility:

    • What role should social media companies play in managing the content and interactions on their platforms?
    • Should there be more regulation on how social media platforms operate? What kind of regulations would be effective?

Future Outlook:

    • How do you envision the role of social media evolving in the next decade?
    • What innovations or changes would you like to see in social media platforms to enhance their positive impact?

Writing About Social Media

  • Write about your first experience using social media. How has your use changed since then?
  • Describe a time when you saw something on social media that inspired you. What did you do as a result?
  • Imagine you could create your own social media platform. What features would it have, and who would use it?
  • Write about the pros and cons of social media. Which do you think are more significant?
  • Describe how you would spend a day without using any social media. What would you do instead?
  • Write a short guide on how to use social media responsibly. What advice would you give?