A2-Level: Unit 5 Food and Culture

Unit 5: A2 Lesson Plan—Food and Culture

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to discuss food preferences and cultural differences, use vocabulary related to food items, meals, and eating habits, comprehend menus, recipes, and articles about different cuisines, engage in dialogues about food, and write about their favorite meal.


Materials Needed:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Handouts with sample menus, recipes, and articles
  3. Audio recordings of conversations about food
  4. Writing materials for students

Duration: 90 minutes (divided into two 45-minute sessions)


Session 1: Introduction and Speaking Practice (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • Begin the lesson by asking students to discuss their favorite foods and any cultural dishes they enjoy.
  2. Introduction to Food Vocabulary (10 minutes):
  3. Discussing Food Preferences and Cultural Differences (15 minutes):
    • Lead a class discussion on food preferences and cultural differences in food habits.
    • Encourage students to share their favorite foods and any unique customs or traditions related to food in their culture.
  4. Reading Activity (10 minutes):
    • Distribute sample menus, recipes, or articles about different cuisines.
    • Have students read the texts individually and identify the food items, meals, and cultural aspects mentioned.
  5. Listening Exercise (5 minutes):
    • Play audio recordings of conversations about food, such as ordering in a restaurant or discussing favorite dishes.
    • Have students listen and identify the food items and expressions being used in the dialogues.

Session 2: Vocabulary, Writing, and Review (45 minutes)

  1. Vocabulary Review (10 minutes):
    • Review vocabulary related to food and culture from the previous session.
    • Use flashcards or visuals to reinforce vocabulary retention.
  2. Writing Task (20 minutes):
    • Assign students to describe their favorite meal and explain why they like it.
    • Encourage students to include details about the ingredients, flavors, and any cultural significance of the meal.
  3. Peer Sharing and Feedback (10 minutes):
    • Have students pair up and share their descriptions with a partner.
    • Encourage peer feedback on the clarity, creativity, and appeal of the meal descriptions.
  4. Wrap-Up and Reflection (5 minutes):
    • Reflect on the lesson as a class, discussing the variety of foods and cultural traditions students learned about.
    • Review key vocabulary and concepts covered in the lesson.

Homework: Assign students to research a traditional dish from a different culture and write a short paragraph describing its ingredients and significance.


Assessment: Assess students’ participation in speaking activities, their ability to discuss food preferences and cultural differences, and the clarity and detail of their written descriptions of their favorite meals. Use informal assessments such as observation, class discussions, and written assignments to gauge student progress.