Word Formations

Word formation refers to the ways in which new words are created in a language. Understanding word formation helps in expanding vocabulary and improving language comprehension. In English, word formation mainly involves:

  1. Derivation: Adding prefixes and suffixes to base words.
  2. Compounding: Combining two or more words to create a new word.
  3. Conversion: Changing a word’s grammatical category without changing its form.
  4. Blending: Merging parts of words to form a new word.
  5. Clipping: Shortening a longer word to create a new, shorter word.
  6. Acronyms and Initialisms: Forming words from the initial letters of a series of words.
  7. Borrowing: Adopting words from other languages.

Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefixes and suffixes are affixes that are added to base words (roots) to create new words with modified meanings. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word, while suffixes are added to the end.

Common Prefixes

Here are some common prefixes, along with their meanings and examples:

  1. Un-: Not (unhappy, unlock)
  2. Re-: Again (rewrite, return)
  3. In-/Im-/Il-/Ir-: Not (invisible, impossible, illogical, irregular)
  4. Dis-: Not, opposite of (disagree, disconnect)
  5. En-/Em-: Cause to (enable, embrace)
  6. Non-: Not (nonstop, nonprofit)
  7. Over-: Too much (overwork, overestimate)
  8. Mis-: Wrongly (misunderstand, misplace)
  9. Sub-: Under (submarine, subconscious)
  10. Pre-: Before (predict, preheat)
  11. Inter-: Between (international, interact)
  12. Fore-: Before (forecast, forewarn)
  13. De-: Opposite (deactivate, degrade)
  14. Trans-: Across (transmit, transport)
  15. Super-: Above (superstar, superhuman)
  16. Semi-: Half (semicircle, semifinal)
  17. Anti-: Against (antibiotic, anticlimax)
  18. Mid-: Middle (midnight, midterm)
  19. Under-: Too little (underestimate, underpaid)

Common Suffixes

Here are some common suffixes, along with their meanings and examples:

  1. -able/-ible: Can be done (comfortable, legible)
  2. -al/-ial: Having characteristics of (personal, industrial)
  3. -ed: Past tense verbs (walked, jumped)
  4. -en: Made of (wooden, golden)
  5. -er: Comparative (taller, smarter)
  6. -er/-or: One who (teacher, actor)
  7. -est: Superlative (biggest, fastest)
  8. -ful: Full of (joyful, helpful)
  9. -ic: Having characteristics of (artistic, heroic)
  10. -ing: Verb form/present participle (running, dancing)
  11. -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition: Act, process (occasion, motion, creation, audition)
  12. -ity/-ty: State of (activity, reality)
  13. -ive/-ative/-itive: Adjective form of a noun (active, comparative, sensitive)
  14. -less: Without (hopeless, fearless)
  15. -ly: Characteristics of (quickly, softly)
  16. -ment: Action or process (movement, placement)
  17. -ness: State of, condition of (kindness, shyness)
  18. -ous/-eous/-ious: Possessing the qualities of (joyous, courteous, gracious)
  19. -s/-es: Plural (cats, boxes)
  20. -y: Characterized by (funny, happy)

Common Suffixes for Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs

Suffixes can change the grammatical category of a word. Here are some common suffixes for nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, along with examples:


Noun Suffixes

  1. -ness: State of, condition of (kindness, darkness)
  2. -ment: Action or process (development, government)
  3. -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition: Act, process (celebration, motion, creation, edition)
  4. -ity/-ty: State of (activity, reality)
  5. -er/-or: One who (teacher, actor)
  6. -ism: Belief or practice (capitalism, socialism)
  7. -ist: One who practices or is concerned with something (artist, scientist)
  8. -ance/-ence: State or quality (importance, difference)
  9. -ship: Position held (friendship, leadership)
  10. -acy: State or quality (privacy, democracy)
  11. -hood: State, condition, or quality (childhood, neighborhood)
  12. -ure: Process, function (closure, exposure)
  13. -al: Action or result of (refusal, proposal)
  14. -dom: State or condition (freedom, kingdom)

Verb Suffixes

  1. -ate: Become (activate, differentiate)
  2. -en: Become, cause to be (widen, strengthen)
  3. -ify: Make or become (justify, simplify)
  4. -ize/-ise: Make or become (realize, harmonize)

Adjective Suffixes

  1. -able/-ible: Capable of being (comfortable, possible)
  2. -al: Pertaining to (personal, global)
  3. -ful: Full of (beautiful, wonderful)
  4. -ic/-ical: Pertaining to (artistic, comical)
  5. -ious/-ous: Full of (curious, dangerous)
  6. -ive: Having the nature of (creative, active)
  7. -less: Without (hopeless, fearless)
  8. -y: Characterized by (funny, happy)
  9. -ant/-ent: Having the quality of (important, dependent)
  10. -ish: Having the quality of (childish, foolish)
  11. -like: Similar to (childlike, lifelike)
  12. -ly: Like (friendly, lovely)

Adverb Suffixes

  1. -ly: In a specified manner (quickly, happily)
  2. -ward: In the direction of (forward, backward)
  3. -wise: In relation to (clockwise, otherwise)

Examples and Usage

  1. Noun Examples:
    • Happiness (happy + -ness): The state of being happy.
    • Movement (move + -ment): The act of moving.
    • Actor (act + -or): One who acts.
  2. Verb Examples:
    • Activate (active + -ate): To make active.
    • Strengthen (strong + -en): To make strong.
    • Simplify (simple + -ify): To make simple.
  3. Adjective Examples:
    • Comfortable (comfort + -able): Capable of providing comfort.
    • Beautiful (beauty + -ful): Full of beauty.
    • Curious (curiosity + -ous): Full of curiosity.
  4. Adverb Examples:
    • Quickly (quick + -ly): In a quick manner.
    • Forward (fore + -ward): In the direction ahead.
    • Clockwise (clock + -wise): In the direction of a clock’s hands.

Word Formations


  1. Noun:
    • Artist (base form)
    • Artistry (skill in a particular art)
  2. Adjective:
    • Artistic (relating to art)
  3. Adverb:
    • Artistically (in a manner related to art)


  1. Noun:
    • Caution (base form)
    • Cautiousness (the quality of being cautious)
  2. Verb:
    • Caution (to warn)
  3. Adjective:
    • Cautious (being careful to avoid danger or mistakes)
  4. Adverb:
    • Cautiously (in a careful manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Education (the process of educating)
    • Educator (one who educates)
  2. Verb:
    • Educate (base form)
  3. Adjective:
    • Educational (related to education)
    • Educative (having the quality of educating)
  4. Adverb:
    • Educationally (in an educational manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Emotion (base form)
    • Emotionality (the quality of being emotional)
  2. Adjective:
    • Emotional (relating to emotions)
  3. Adverb:
    • Emotionally (in an emotional manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Energy (base form)
    • Energetics (the study of energy)
  2. Adjective:
    • Energetic (full of energy)
  3. Adverb:
    • Energetically (in a manner showing energy)


  1. Noun:
    • Mass (base form)
    • Massiveness (the quality of being massive)
  2. Verb:
    • Mass (to assemble or come together in a mass)
  3. Adjective:
    • Massive (large and heavy)
  4. Adverb:
    • Massively (in a massive manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Prediction (the act of predicting)
    • Predictor (one who predicts)
  2. Verb:
    • Predict (base form)
  3. Adjective:
    • Predictable (able to be predicted)
    • Predictive (relating to prediction)
  4. Adverb:
    • Predictably (in a manner that can be predicted)


  1. Noun:
    • Reason (base form)
    • Reasoning (the process of thinking about something logically)
  2. Verb:
    • Reason (to think logically)
  3. Adjective:
    • Reasonable (based on or using good judgment)
    • Reasoned (logical)
  4. Adverb:
    • Reasonably (in a reasonable manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Response (the act of responding)
    • Responsiveness (the quality of being responsive)
  2. Verb:
    • Respond (base form)
  3. Adjective:
    • Responsive (reacting quickly and positively)
  4. Adverb:
    • Responsively (in a responsive manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Storm (base form)
    • Storminess (the quality of being stormy)
  2. Verb:
    • Storm (to attack or take by storm)
  3. Adjective:
    • Stormy (characterized by storms)
  4. Adverb:
    • Stormily (in a stormy manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Thought (base form)
    • Thoughtfulness (the quality of being thoughtful)
  2. Verb:
    • Think (related verb form)
  3. Adjective:
    • Thoughtful (showing consideration for others)
    • Thoughtless (lacking consideration for others)
  4. Adverb:
    • Thoughtfully (in a thoughtful manner)
    • Thoughtlessly (in a thoughtless manner)


  1. Noun:
    • Wealth (base form)
    • Wealthiness (the quality of being wealthy)
  2. Adjective:
    • Wealthy (having a lot of money or resources)
  3. Adverb:
    • Wealthily (in a wealthy manner)

Artist, Artistic, Artistically: The artist painted an extraordinary mural in the town square. Her artistic vision captivated everyone who passed by. The colors blended artistically, creating a masterpiece that left viewers in awe.



Caution, Cautious, Cautiously: John approached the wild animal with caution. He was naturally a cautious person, always thinking ahead. As he moved cautiously closer, he ensured that he didn’t startle the creature.

Educate, Education, Educational: The teacher aimed to educate her students on the importance of environmental conservation. She believed that a good education was key to making informed decisions. Her educational methods included hands-on activities and field trips.

Emotion, Emotional, Emotionally: Sophie couldn’t hide her emotion during the graduation ceremony. It was an emotional moment for everyone involved. She felt emotionally overwhelmed as she hugged her parents.

Energy, Energetic, Energetically: The children were full of energy after the long car ride. They ran energetically around the park, eager to play. Their energetic laughter filled the air, creating a joyful atmosphere.

Mass, Massive, Massively: The mass of people at the concert was astonishing. The stage backdrop featured a massive screen that displayed the performers. The event was massively successful, drawing crowds from all over the city.

Predict, Prediction, Predictable: The meteorologist was able to predict the storm accurately. His prediction warned residents to stay indoors. The weather patterns were becoming more predictable thanks to advanced technology.

Reason, Reasonable, Reasonably: Lily tried to reason with her friend about the importance of saving money. Her arguments were reasonable and based on sound logic. The friend finally agreed to consider the advice, albeit reasonably reluctantly.

Respond, Response, Responsive: The emergency team was quick to respond to the disaster. Their response saved many lives and prevented further damage. The community was grateful for the responsive efforts of the volunteers.

Storm, Stormy, Stormily: The storm hit the coastal town with unexpected force. The stormy weather caused significant damage to homes and businesses. The waves crashed stormily against the shore, creating a dramatic scene.

Thought, Thoughtful, Thoughtfully: Emma had a lot of thought put into her birthday gift for her friend. She wanted it to be something thoughtful and special. She thoughtfully chose a book that she knew her friend would love.

Wealth, Wealthy, Wealthily: The man’s wealth allowed him to travel the world without worry. He was known to be a wealthy philanthropist who donated generously to various causes. He lived wealthily but remained humble and grounded.

Tips for Learning Prefixes and Suffixes

  1. Flashcards: Create flashcards with prefixes and suffixes on one side and their meanings and examples on the other.
  2. Practice Exercises: Use online quizzes and exercises to test your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes.
  3. Reading: Read a variety of texts to see prefixes and suffixes in context.
  4. Writing: Practice writing sentences using new words formed with prefixes and suffixes.
  5. Games: Play word formation games such as Scrabble or Boggle to enhance your skills.