Reflective Essay or Opinion Piece

Students will develop their analytical and expressive writing skills by either reflecting on a cultural experience or writing an opinion piece on a societal issue. They will explore personal insights, cultural lessons, or societal perspectives while organizing their thoughts coherently.

Reflective Essay on a Cultural Experience


  1. Choose a Cultural Experience: Reflect on a cultural experience you have had. This could be a trip to another country, participation in a cultural festival, a significant interaction with someone from a different cultural background, or any experience that exposed you to different cultural practices and beliefs.
  2. Explore Cultural Insights: Discuss the cultural differences or similarities you observed. Consider what surprised you, what challenged your assumptions, and what you learned about the culture and yourself.
  3. Reflect on Lessons Learned: Reflect on how this experience has changed your perspective, influenced your behavior, or contributed to your understanding of diversity.


  • Introduction: Briefly describe the cultural experience and introduce the main themes you will discuss.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Describe the Experience: Provide details about the cultural event or interaction.
    • Explore Cultural Insights: Discuss the specific cultural practices, values, or traditions you encountered.
    • Reflect on the Impact: Share how this experience affected you personally and what lessons you learned.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key insights and reflect on how this experience might influence your future interactions with different cultures.

Writing Prompts/Guiding Questions:

  • What was the most surprising aspect of the culture you experienced?
  • How did this experience challenge or confirm your preconceptions about the culture?
  • What specific cultural practices or values stood out to you, and why?
  • How has this experience influenced your perspective on diversity and multiculturalism?

Opinion Piece on a Societal Issue


  1. Choose a Societal Issue: Select a societal issue that you are passionate about. This could be related to politics, education, the environment, social justice, technology, or any other area where you have strong views.
  2. Express Your Views: Clearly state your opinion on the issue. Provide arguments and evidence to support your position.
  3. Propose Solutions: Offer potential solutions or actions that could address the issue. Consider the feasibility of your solutions and how they could be implemented.


  • Introduction: Introduce the societal issue and clearly state your position.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Present the Issue: Provide background information on the issue and explain its significance.
    • Express Your Opinion: Share your views, supported by evidence, examples, or statistics.
    • Propose Solutions: Offer practical solutions or suggest actions that could address the problem.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your argument and emphasize the importance of addressing the issue. Encourage the reader to consider your viewpoint and proposed solutions.

Writing Prompts/Guiding Questions:

  • What specific societal issue do you feel strongly about, and why?
  • What are the key arguments that support your position on this issue?
  • How do you propose we address this issue? What actions should individuals, communities, or governments take?
  • What are the potential challenges or criticisms of your proposed solutions, and how would you address them?

Tips for Writing:

  • Be Specific: Whether reflecting on a cultural experience or discussing a societal issue, be specific in your descriptions and arguments. Avoid vague statements.
  • Use Evidence: In opinion pieces, support your arguments with evidence, such as statistics, research, or real-life examples.
  • Reflect Deeply: In reflective essays, go beyond surface-level observations. Consider how the experience has affected you on a deeper level.
  • Edit and Revise: After writing your first draft, review your work for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. Make revisions as needed.

Example Essay Outlines:

Reflective Essay Outline Example:

  • Introduction:
    • My visit to a rural village in Japan.
    • Themes: Cultural traditions, hospitality, personal growth.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Description of the experience: Traditional tea ceremony and local customs.
    • Cultural insights: Observations on respect, community values, and minimalism.
    • Personal reflection: How this experience shifted my understanding of cultural differences.
  • Conclusion:
    • Summary of insights.
    • Long-term impact on my views about cultural exchange and diversity.

Opinion Piece Outline Example:

  • Introduction:
    • The issue of plastic pollution.
    • My stance: Urgent action is needed to reduce plastic waste.
  • Body Paragraphs:
    • Presentation of the issue: Environmental impact and the scale of the problem.
    • Expression of opinion: The necessity of stricter regulations on plastic production and waste management.
    • Proposed solutions: Banning single-use plastics, promoting recycling, and encouraging innovation in sustainable materials.
  • Conclusion:
    • Recap of the argument.
    • Call to action: Encouraging readers to support policy changes and adopt sustainable practices.