Unit 7: B2 Writing Assignment: Crafting Your Professional Persona

Unit 7: B2 Writing Assignment: Crafting Your Professional Persona

Objective: To enable B2-level students to compose a CV or resume for a fictional job position, emphasizing their skills, experiences, and qualifications effectively.


Materials Needed:

  • Pen and paper or computers for writing
  • Sample CVs or resumes for reference
  • Rubric for assessment

Duration: 90 minutes (divided into two 45-minute sessions)



Session 1:

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes): Discuss the importance of a CV or resume in the job application process. Ask students about their understanding of what makes a CV or resume effective.
  2. Introduction to CV/Resume Writing (10 minutes): Present a brief overview of the purpose and structure of a CV or resume. Highlight key sections such as personal information, education, work experience, skills, and interests.
  3. Analyzing Sample CVs/Resumes (15 minutes): Provide students with sample CVs or resumes (preferably for different job positions) and ask them to analyze the structure and content. Encourage them to identify common elements and effective writing techniques.
  4. Brainstorming Skills and Experiences (15 minutes): Lead a discussion where students brainstorm their skills, experiences, and qualifications. Encourage them to think about both professional and personal attributes that are relevant to the fictional job position.

Session 2:

  1. Review of Key Concepts (5 minutes): Recap the key components of a CV or resume, emphasizing the importance of clear and concise language, relevant information, and tailored content.
  2. Drafting the CV/Resume (30 minutes): Allocate time for students to start drafting their CV or resume. Provide guidance and support as needed, encouraging them to organize their information logically and showcase their strengths effectively.
  3. Peer Review and Feedback (10 minutes): Pair students up and ask them to exchange drafts for peer review. Encourage constructive feedback focusing on clarity, relevance, and presentation.
  4. Finalizing the CV/Resume (10 minutes): Allow students to make any necessary revisions based on the feedback received. Emphasize the importance of proofreading for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Homework: Students should complete their CV or resume drafts at home, making any final adjustments based on the feedback received during the peer review session.


Assessment: Evaluate students’ completed CVs or resumes based on criteria such as clarity, organization, relevance, language use, and overall effectiveness. Provide feedback highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.