Unit 6: B1 Vocabulary Technology and Communication


Definition: To share or exchange information, news, or ideas.

Example Sentence: Technology has changed the way we communicate with each other.



Definition: A digital service or site that allows users to interact and share content.

Example Sentence: Instagram is a popular platform for sharing photos and videos.



Definition: An advantage or positive aspect.

Example Sentence: One benefit of social media is that it helps us stay connected with friends.



Definition: A change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Example Sentence: Social media can have effects on young people’s self-esteem.



Definition: Being in touch or in communication with others.

Example Sentence: Social media helps us stay connected with family members who live far away.



Definition: An event or occurrence that leaves an impression on someone.

Example Sentence: People often share their travel experiences on social media.



Definition: Happening or being used or done now.

Example Sentence: Social media allows us to learn about current events quickly.



Definition: A general direction in which something is developing or changing.

Example Sentence: Many fashion trends start on social media platforms.



Definition: The act of comparing two or more things or people.

Example Sentence: Constant comparison on social media can affect self-esteem.



Definition: The state of feeling insufficient or not good enough.

Example Sentence: Social media can sometimes make people feel a sense of inadequacy.



Definition: More than is necessary, normal, or desirable.

Example Sentence: Excessive use of social media can affect sleep patterns.


Mental Health

Definition: A person’s condition regarding their psychological and emotional well-being.

Example Sentence: It’s important to protect your mental health by taking breaks from social media.



Definition: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.

Example Sentence: Too much social media use can lead to anxiety.



Definition: To bully someone through the use of electronic communication.

Example Sentence: Being cyberbullied can have serious effects on mental health.



Definition: The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

Example Sentence: Social media can affect our mental well-being if not used wisely.



Definition: A point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass.

Example Sentence: It’s a good idea to set a daily limit for social media use.



Definition: Tending to choose carefully.

Example Sentence: Be selective about who you follow on social media to maintain a positive experience.



Definition: Communication or direct involvement with someone or something.

Example Sentence: Online interactions can influence how we feel about ourselves and others.



Definition: Assistance and encouragement given to someone.

Example Sentence: Talk to someone you trust if you need support after seeing something upsetting online.



Definition: Showing politeness and respect towards others.

Example Sentence: Always be respectful in your online interactions.