Unit 5: Writing Assignment—Propose a Sustainability Project for Your Community

Unit 5: Writing Assignment—Propose a Sustainability Project for Your Community

Objective: Students will write a detailed proposal for a sustainability project that could be implemented in their community. The proposal should explain the project’s purpose, benefits, and steps for implementation.



  1. Identify a Sustainability Project.
    • Think about a project that could benefit your community, such as a recycling program, community garden, or energy-saving initiative.
  2. Describe the Purpose of the Project.
    • Explain why this project is important and how it will benefit the community and the environment.
  3. Outline the Benefits.
    • Describe the specific advantages of the project, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, or improving green spaces.
  4. Detail the Steps for Implementation.
    • Provide a step-by-step plan for how the project will be carried out, including any resources needed, potential challenges, and how they can be addressed.
  5. Write a Detailed Proposal (12-15 sentences).
    • Use clear and coherent sentences.
    • Organize your proposal with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    • Check your grammar and spelling.


Title: Community Recycling Program


Our community can benefit greatly from a comprehensive recycling program. The purpose of this project is to reduce waste and promote sustainable practices among residents. By implementing a community-wide recycling program, we can decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserve natural resources.

The benefits of this project include reducing pollution, saving energy, and encouraging environmental responsibility. By recycling materials like paper, plastic, and metal, we can reduce the need for raw materials and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

To implement this project, we will start by educating residents about the importance of recycling and how to sort their waste. We will provide recycling bins to every household and set up collection points throughout the community. Volunteers can help manage the collection and sorting process, and we can partner with local recycling facilities to ensure proper processing.

Challenges such as residents’ reluctance to change their habits can be addressed through continuous education and incentives, like rewards for the most active recyclers. By working together, we can make our community a cleaner, greener place to live.


Checklist before submitting:

  • Did I identify a sustainability project?
  • Did I describe the purpose of the project?
  • Did I outline the benefits of the project?
  • Did I detail the steps for implementation?
  • Did I write 12-15 sentences?
  • Did I check my grammar and spelling?

Due Date: ________________

Tips for Success:

  • Be Specific: Give detailed information about the project and its implementation.
  • Use Examples: Support your points with specific examples and benefits.
  • Organize Clearly: Make sure your proposal has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.