Unit 5: B2 Vocabulary Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle


Definition: Capable of being maintained over the long term without depleting resources or harming the environment.

Example: Choosing sustainable products helps ensure that natural resources are preserved for future generations.


Environmental Impact

Definition: The effect of human activities on the natural world.

Example: Reducing your environmental impact can be as simple as recycling or using less water.


Mindful Consumption

Definition: The practice of being aware and deliberate about what and how much you buy.

Example: Practicing mindful consumption involves buying only what you need to reduce waste.



Definition: The materials used to wrap or protect goods.

Example: Choosing products with minimal packaging helps reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.



Definition: The act of using something again instead of throwing it away.

Example: Reusing shopping bags can significantly reduce plastic waste.



Definition: The process of converting waste into reusable material.

Example: Recycling paper, plastic, glass, and metal helps conserve natural resources.


Raw Materials

Definition: The basic material from which products are made.

Example: Recycling reduces the need for raw materials like trees and minerals.


Energy Conservation

Definition: The effort to reduce energy consumption through using less energy and more efficient technologies.

Example: Turning off lights when not in use is a simple way to practice energy conservation.



Definition: A device that regulates temperature.

Example: Setting your thermostat to a reasonable temperature can help save energy.


Renewable Energy

Definition: Energy from natural sources that are constantly replenished, such as solar or wind power.

Example: Installing solar panels is an effective way to use renewable energy.


Carbon Footprint

Definition: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, usually measured in carbon dioxide equivalent.

Example: Reducing your carbon footprint can help mitigate climate change.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Definition: Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

Example: Using public transportation can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



Definition: Using less fuel to travel the same distance compared to other vehicles.

Example: Driving a fuel-efficient car can save money and reduce environmental harm.


Electric Vehicles

Definition: Vehicles powered by electricity instead of gasoline or diesel.

Example: Switching to an electric vehicle can significantly reduce your carbon emissions.


Water Conservation

Definition: The practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary waste.

Example: Fixing leaks is an essential part of water conservation.



Definition: Plants that can survive with minimal water.

Example: Using drought-resistant plants in your garden can help save water.


Fair Trade

Definition: Trade in which fair prices are paid to producers in developing countries.

Example: Buying fair trade products ensures that farmers and workers receive fair wages.


Local Economy

Definition: The economy of a local area, typically characterized by small businesses and local production.

Example: Supporting the local economy by buying from local farmers helps reduce transportation emissions.



Definition: Publicly supporting a cause or policy.

Example: Advocating for environmental policies can lead to broader community changes.



Definition: To increase the strength or effect of something.

Example: Your efforts to live sustainably can be amplified by educating others about environmental issues.


Renewable Resources

Definition: Natural resources that can be replenished naturally over time.

Example: Wind and solar energy are renewable resources that do not deplete over time.



Definition: To protect and preserve something from loss or waste.

Example: Conserving water helps ensure there is enough for everyone, now and in the future.



Definition: Treated or prepared through a special method.

Example: Recycling plants process old materials to make new products.



Definition: The least amount possible.

Example: Using products with minimal packaging helps reduce waste.


Precious Resource

Definition: A valuable and limited natural resource.

Example: Water is a precious resource that must be conserved to ensure availability for future generations.