Unit 4: B2 Writing Assignment—Health and Wellness Exploration


  • Develop students’ writing skills by having them explore and write about a specific health or wellness topic.
  • Encourage students to apply their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills to their writing.

Materials Needed:

  • Access to the internet or library for research
  • Writing materials (paper, pens, or digital devices)

Duration: 90 minutes (divided into two 45-minute sessions)

Session 1: Research and Planning

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
  • Activity: Class discussion about personal health and wellness goals.
  • Instructions: “What are some of your health and wellness goals? Why are they important to you? Share with the class.”
  1. Introduction to the Writing Assignment (10 minutes):
  • Activity: Explain the assignment and its goals.
  • Instructions: “You will choose a specific health or wellness topic to research and write about. Your essay should include an introduction, a detailed discussion of the topic, and a conclusion. Think about why this topic is important, how it affects people, and what advice you can offer based on your research.”
  1. Topic Selection (10 minutes):
  • Activity: Students choose their topics.
  • Instructions: “Choose a health or wellness topic that interests you. Here are some examples:
    • The benefits of a balanced diet
    • The importance of regular exercise
    • The role of sleep in overall health
    • Managing stress through mindfulness
    • The impact of hydration on health
    • Healthy habits for a productive day
    • Mental health awareness and self-care
    • The benefits of outdoor activities and nature”
  1. Research (25 minutes):
  • Activity: Students conduct research on their chosen topic.
  • Instructions: “Use books, the internet, or other resources to gather information about your topic. Take notes on the key points, statistics, and any interesting facts you find. Make sure to write down your sources.”
  1. Outline (10 minutes):
  • Activity: Create an outline for the essay.
  • Instructions: “Organize your notes into an outline. Your outline should include:
    1. Introduction (introduce the topic and why it’s important)
    2. Main points (detailed discussion of the topic with supporting information)
    3. Conclusion (summarize your findings and offer advice or a call to action)”


  • Activity: Finish any remaining research and complete the outline.
  • Instructions: “Complete your research if needed and finalize your outline. Be ready to write your essay in the next session.”

Session 2: Writing and Sharing

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
  • Activity: Share an interesting fact from their research with a partner.
  • Instructions: “Share one interesting thing you learned about your topic during your research with a partner.”
  1. Writing the First Draft (30 minutes):
  • Activity: Write the first draft of the essay.
  • Instructions: “Using your outline, write the first draft of your essay. Make sure to include all the sections and write in complete sentences. Aim for 300-400 words.”
  1. Peer Review (10 minutes):
  • Activity: Exchange drafts with a partner for feedback.
  • Instructions: “Read your partner’s draft and give one positive comment and one suggestion for improvement. Focus on clarity, organization, and the strength of the arguments.”
  1. Revising (10 minutes):
  • Activity: Revise drafts based on peer feedback.
  • Instructions: “Use your partner’s feedback to improve your essay. Make any necessary changes.”
  1. Sharing (10 minutes):
  • Activity: Share the final drafts with the class.
  • Instructions: “If time permits, volunteer to read your essay aloud to the class. Discuss what you learned and why your topic is important.”


  • Collect students’ final drafts to assess their ability to research, organize, and write about a health or wellness topic clearly and effectively.


  • Activity: Reflect on the writing process and what they learned.
  • Instructions: “Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) about what you learned from this writing project and how you can apply this knowledge to your own health and wellness.”