Unit 2: B2 Writing Assignment—Personal Travel Experiences

Title: My Memorable Travel Experience



Write a detailed essay about a memorable travel experience you have had. Use the example of Alex’s journey in Japan to guide you. Include the following details:

  1. Where you traveled and for how long.
  2. Why you chose this destination.
  3. Your experiences and activities in different places you visited.
  4. What you enjoyed the most about the trip.
  5. Any challenges you faced during your travels.
  6. How the trip impacted you and why it was memorable.



Last summer, I traveled to Italy for two weeks, a country I had always dreamed of visiting because of its rich history, culture, and cuisine. My journey began in Rome, the capital city. I was mesmerized by the ancient ruins of the Colosseum and the grandeur of the Vatican. Walking through the streets of Rome, I enjoyed the vibrant street life and tasted the best gelato I’ve ever had.


After Rome, I took a train to Florence, the heart of the Renaissance. I visited the Uffizi Gallery, saw Michelangelo’s David, and climbed to the top of the Duomo for a breathtaking view of the city. The art and architecture in Florence were simply stunning. One of the highlights was taking a day trip to the Tuscan countryside, where I toured a vineyard and tasted local wines.


Next, I headed to Venice, the city of canals. I took a gondola ride through the narrow waterways, visited St. Mark’s Basilica, and explored the lively markets. The uniqueness of Venice was captivating, and I loved the experience of being in a city without cars.


My final stop was the Amalfi Coast, where I spent a few days relaxing by the sea. The picturesque towns of Positano and Amalfi, with their colorful houses and stunning cliffs, were like a postcard come to life. I enjoyed swimming in the clear blue waters and trying fresh seafood at local restaurants.


Although the trip was incredible, there were some challenges. Navigating the busy streets of Rome and dealing with the summer heat were not easy. However, these minor inconveniences did not overshadow the beauty and enjoyment of my travels.


This trip to Italy was memorable because it allowed me to experience a blend of history, art, and natural beauty. It deepened my appreciation for different cultures and left me with wonderful memories that I will cherish forever.



  • Use detailed descriptions and complete sentences.
  • Include all the details mentioned above.
  • Use connecting words and phrases like “after,” “then,” “one of the highlights,” “although,” and “however.”
  • Keep your writing clear, organized, and engaging.