Unit 2: A2 Writing Assignment—Daily Routines

Title: My Daily Routine



Write a short paragraph about your daily routine. Use the example of Emily’s daily routine to help you. Make sure to include the following details:

  1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
  2. What do you do after getting out of bed?
  3. What do you usually have for breakfast?
  4. How do you go to school or work?
  5. What do you do during lunch break?
  6. What do you do after school or work?
  7. Who do you have dinner with and what you usually eat?
  8. What do you do before going to bed?
  9. What time do you go to sleep?


Writing Template:


Hi there! My name is [Your Name], and I want to tell you about my typical day. I wake up at [time] every morning. After getting out of bed, I [activity after waking up]. Then, I have breakfast with [who you have breakfast with]. We usually eat [breakfast food] and drink [breakfast drink].


After breakfast, I go to [school/work]. I [how you get to school/work] because [reason]. [School/work] starts at [time], and I have classes/work until [time]. During lunch break, I eat [lunch food] with [who you eat with] in the [where you eat].


When [school/work] is over, I come back home and [after-school/work activity]. Sometimes it’s easy, but other times it’s really challenging! After finishing [activity], I like to relax and [relaxing activity]. Then, it’s time for dinner. [Who cooks dinner] cooks dinner for us, and we eat together as a family.


After dinner, I help [who you help] clean up the dishes. Then, I usually spend some time [evening activity] before going to bed. I try to go to sleep around [bedtime] so I can wake up feeling refreshed for another day.



  • Use complete sentences.
  • Include all the details mentioned above.
  • Use connecting words like “after,” “then,” “because,” and “so.”
  • Keep your writing clear and organized.