Unit 1: A2 Writing Assignment—Describing Your School Day

Objective: Students will practice their writing skills by describing their own school day, focusing on the use of greetings and daily activities.



  1. Paragraph 1: Introduction
    • Start with a brief introduction of yourself. Include your name, age, and where you live.
  2. Paragraph 2: Morning Routine and Greetings
    • Describe how your school day begins. What time does it start? How do you greet your friends and teachers in the morning? Include specific phrases you use.
  3. Paragraph 3: Classes and Activities
    • Describe the classes you have before lunch. Mention at least two subjects and how your teachers greet the class. Share what you do during these classes.
  4. Paragraph 4: Lunchtime
    • Describe what you do during lunchtime. Where do you eat, and who do you eat with? What do you and your friends talk about? How do you greet each other when you meet?
  5. Paragraph 5: Afternoon Routine and After-School Activities
    • Describe the classes you have after lunch. Mention at least two subjects and any after-school activities you participate in. Include how you greet your teachers and friends in the afternoon and how you say goodbye at the end of the day.
  6. Conclusion:
    • Write a brief conclusion about what you enjoy most about your school day and why.


Paragraph 1: Introduction
Hello! My name is Alex, and I am 16 years old. I live in Toronto, Canada.

Paragraph 2: Morning Routine and Greetings
My school day starts at 8:30 AM. I usually greet my friends with “Hey!” or “Good morning!” My first class is math, and my teacher, Mr. Thompson, always starts the lesson by saying, “Good morning, everyone!”

Paragraph 3: Classes and Activities
After math, I have English class. Ms. Johnson, my English teacher, greets us with “Hello, class!” We discuss different books and work on improving our writing skills. Then, I have history, where Mr. Williams begins each lesson with a cheerful “Good morning, students!”

Paragraph 4: Lunchtime
During lunchtime, I eat in the cafeteria with my friends. We usually talk about our favorite TV shows or the latest school news. We greet each other with “Hi” or “Hello” when we meet at the table.

Paragraph 5: Afternoon Routine and After-School Activities
After lunch, I have science class, which is my favorite. Mrs. Brown, my science teacher, greets us with “Hello, everyone!” In the afternoon, I have art class with Ms. Smith, who always says, “Good afternoon, everyone!” My school day ends at 3:00 PM, but I stay late for basketball practice. I say “Bye” or “See you tomorrow” to my friends when I leave.

I enjoy my school day because I get to learn new things and spend time with my friends. My favorite part is the science class because I love doing experiments.



  • Use clear and complete sentences.
  • Make sure to use appropriate greetings and phrases.
  • Check your spelling and grammar.
  • Be creative and add any additional details about your school day that make it unique!