Unit 1: A2-Level Reading Assignment on Greetings

A Day in the Life of High School Students in English-Speaking Countries


Hello! My name is Sarah, and I’m 16 years old. I live in New York City, USA. My school day starts at 8:00 AM. I usually greet my friends with a simple “Hey!” or “What’s up?” During the first period, I have math class. My teacher, Mr. Johnson, always starts the lesson by saying, “Good morning, everyone!” After math, I have English, where we discuss various books and improve our writing skills.


At lunchtime, my friends and I gather in the cafeteria. We often talk about our favorite TV shows or the latest school events. We usually say, “Hi” or “Hello” when we meet at the table. After lunch, I have science class, which is my favorite. My science teacher, Mrs. Lee, is very enthusiastic and starts each class with, “Hello, class! Ready to learn something new today?”


In the afternoon, I have history and then art class. Art is another favorite because it allows me to be creative. My art teacher, Ms. Robinson, always greets us with a cheerful “Good afternoon, everyone!” The school day ends at 3:00 PM, and I usually say “Bye” or “See you tomorrow” to my friends as we leave.


Now, let me introduce you to Liam. Liam is 17 years old and lives in Sydney, Australia. His school day begins at 8:30 AM. He greets his friends with a casual “G’day” or “Hey, mate!” His first class is Australian literature, where they read and analyze classic Australian texts. His teacher, Mr. Harris, greets the students with “Good morning, everyone!”


During lunchtime, Liam and his friends eat in the schoolyard. They often talk about their favorite sports or upcoming exams. When they meet, they say “Hello” or “Hi.” After lunch, Liam has math, science, and physical education. His PE teacher, Mr. Evans, is very energetic and always says, “Hello, everyone!” at the start of class.


Liam’s school day ends at 3:30 PM, but he often stays late for rugby practice. He is part of the rugby team, and they practice almost every day. Before leaving, he says “See ya” or “Catch you later.”


Lastly, meet Emma from London, England. Emma is 16 years old and her school day starts at 9:00 AM. She greets her friends with “Hello” or “How are you?” Her first class is history, and her teacher, Mr. Smith, always starts with “Good morning, class.”


During lunch, Emma and her friends eat together in the school’s dining hall. They often discuss their plans for the weekend or the latest fashion trends. When they meet, they say “Hi” or “Hello.” After lunch, Emma has English literature, math, and biology. Her biology teacher, Ms. Brown, is very friendly and begins each class with “Good afternoon, students.”


Emma’s school day ends at 3:30 PM. She often goes to a café with friends to study or just hang out. When they leave, they say “Goodbye” or “See you later.”

Comprehension Questions

  1. What time does Sarah’s school day start?
  2. How does Sarah greet her friends in the morning?
  3. What is Sarah’s favorite class and why?
  4. What does Sarah’s art teacher say when greeting the class?
  5. How does Liam greet his friends in the morning?
  6. What do Liam and his friends talk about during lunchtime?
  7. What club is Liam part of, and how often do they practice?
  8. How does Emma greet her friends in the morning?
  9. Where do Emma and her friends usually eat lunch, and what do they talk about?
  10. What does Emma’s biology teacher say when greeting the class?