Simple Speaking and Writing Rubrics

The speaking evaluation rubric assesses fluency, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, coherence and cohesion, and interaction and engagement, while the writing evaluation rubric evaluates content and ideas, organization, grammar and syntax, vocabulary, and mechanics. Each criterion is rated on a scale from needs improvement to excellent, providing a simple, clear, and consistent framework for evaluating student performance and offering constructive feedback.

Speaking Evaluation Rubric


  1. Fluency
  2. Pronunciation
  3. Grammar and Vocabulary
  4. Coherence and Cohesion
  5. Interaction and Engagement



1 – Needs Improvement

2 – Satisfactory

3 – Good

4 – Excellent


Frequent hesitation and pauses

Some hesitation and pauses

Occasional hesitation but generally smooth

Smooth and natural flow of speech


Often difficult to understand

Sometimes unclear or incorrect

Mostly clear with minor errors

Clear and accurate pronunciation

Grammar and Vocabulary

Frequent errors, limited vocabulary

Some errors, basic vocabulary

Minor errors, appropriate vocabulary usage

Accurate use of grammar, rich vocabulary

Coherence and Cohesion

Ideas are disjointed and hard to follow

Some ideas are connected but with gaps

Generally clear and logical flow

Ideas are well-connected and logical

Interaction and Engagement

Minimal interaction, low engagement

Adequate interaction, some engagement

Good interaction, engages well

Highly interactive, fully engages the audience

Writing Evaluation Rubric


  1. Content and Ideas
  2. Organization
  3. Grammar and Syntax
  4. Vocabulary
  5. Mechanics (Spelling, Punctuation)



1 – Needs Improvement

2 – Satisfactory

3 – Good

4 – Excellent

Content and Ideas

Lacks clear main idea, few details

Basic main idea with some details

Clear main idea, well-supported details

Excellent main idea, rich and compelling details


Poorly organized, hard to follow

Some organization, but with lapses

Generally well-organized

Well-organized with logical and clear structure

Grammar and Syntax

Frequent grammatical errors

Some grammatical errors

Minor grammatical errors

Correct grammar throughout


Limited and repetitive vocabulary

Basic and functional vocabulary

Appropriate and varied vocabulary

Rich and precise vocabulary


Frequent spelling and punctuation errors

Some spelling and punctuation errors

Few spelling and punctuation errors

No spelling or punctuation errors


Implementation Tips

  • Customization: Adapt the criteria and descriptions to fit the specific needs and levels of your students.
  • Consistency: Use the rubric consistently across different assessments to provide clear expectations and fair grading.
  • Feedback: Provide students with feedback based on the rubric to help them understand their strengths and areas for improvement.