Past Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

Definition: The Past Simple tense describes actions that happened and were completed at a specific time in the past.


  • Regular verbs: Subject + verb + -ed
  • Irregular verbs: Subject + past form of the verb (irregular)


  1. Positive Sentences:
    • I walked to the store.
    • You played the guitar.
    • He/She/It watched TV.
    • We visited our grandparents.
    • They studied for the exam.
  2. Negative Sentences:
    • I did not (didn’t) walk to the store.
    • You did not (didn’t) play the guitar.
    • He/She/It did not (didn’t) watch TV.
    • We did not (didn’t) visit our grandparents.
    • They did not (didn’t) study for the exam.
  3. Questions:
    • Did I walk to the store?
    • Did you play the guitar?
    • Did he/she/it watch TV?
    • Did we visit our grandparents?
    • Did they study for the exam?


  1. Completed actions in the past:
    • I visited Paris last year.
    • They finished their project on time.
  2. Series of completed actions:
    • She woke up, got dressed, and left the house.
    • He entered the room, sat down, and started reading.
  3. Duration in the past:
    • We lived in New York for five years.
    • She worked at that company for two years.
  4. Habits in the past:
    • I always walked to school.
    • They often visited their friends on weekends.

Signal Words:

  • Yesterday
  • Last (night, week, month, year)
  • Ago
  • In (1990, July, the morning)
  • When


  1. Completed actions:
    • I watched a movie yesterday.
    • She graduated from college last year.
  2. Series of actions:
    • He got up, brushed his teeth, and went to work.
    • They packed their bags, locked the door, and left.
  3. Duration:
    • We stayed at the hotel for three nights.
    • He studied French for two years.
  4. Habits:
    • When I was a child, I played outside every day.
    • She always drank coffee in the morning.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Using the base form of the verb:
    • Incorrect: She walk to the store.
    • Correct: She walked to the store.
  2. Using ‘did’ with the past form in positive sentences:
    • Incorrect: He did went to the market.
    • Correct: He went to the market.
  3. Forgetting ‘did’ in questions and negatives:
    • Incorrect: You went to the store?
    • Correct: Did you go to the store?
    • Incorrect: I not played soccer.
    • Correct: I did not play soccer.

Simple past tense is used in English to describe actions or events that occurred and were completed in the past. It is one of the most common tenses used to talk about past actions. Here’s a breakdown of its grammar:

Formation of regular verbs:

  • To form the simple past tense for regular verbs, add the suffix “-ed” to the base form (infinitive) of the verb. However, there are some spelling rules to consider:
  • For most verbs: verb + “-ed” (e.g., talk → talked, play → played)
  • For verbs ending in ‘e’: verb + “d” (e.g., dance → danced, love → loved)
  • For one-syllable verbs ending in a single consonant (with a vowel before it): double the final consonant and add “-ed” (e.g., stop → stopped, plan → planned). Remember that for the third person singular (he, she, it), regular verbs in the simple past take the “-ed” suffix (e.g., he played, she danced).

Formation of irregular verbs:

Irregular verbs have unique past forms that don’t follow the “-ed” pattern. You need to memorize these irregular forms. For example:

  • go → went
  • eat → ate
  • see → saw
  • be → was/were
  • have → had


The simple past is used to describe actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past and have already been completed. It is often used with time expressions to indicate when the action occurred, such as yesterday, last week, two hours ago, in 1999, etc. Keep in mind that English has other past tenses like the past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous, each used in different contexts to describe various aspects of past actions or events.

Examples of affirmative sentences:

  • She studied for her exam yesterday.
  • They played soccer last Saturday.
  • We went to the park two hours ago.

Examples of negative sentences:

  • He didn’t finish his work on time.
  • I didn’t see the movie last night.
  • They didn’t eat dinner at the restaurant.

Examples of questions:

  • Did you watch the game last night?
  • Was she at the party yesterday?
  • Did they visit their grandparents on the weekend?.

Past Simple Tense: Negative Sentences and Questions

Negative Sentences

Structure: Subject + did not (didn’t) + base form of the verb

Explanation: To form negative sentences in the past simple tense, use “did not” or the contraction “didn’t” followed by the base form of the verb (the infinitive without “to”). The auxiliary verb “did” indicates that the action is in the past, and “not” makes the sentence negative.



  1. He didn’t finish his work on time.
    • Explanation: “Didn’t” is the negative form of “did,” and “finish” is the base form of the verb. This means that the action of finishing the work did not happen at the expected time.
    • Full Form: He did not finish his work on time.
  2. I didn’t see the movie last night.
    • Explanation: “Didn’t” is used to negate the verb “see.” This means that the action of seeing the movie did not happen last night.
    • Full Form: I did not see the movie last night.
  3. They didn’t eat dinner at the restaurant.
    • Explanation: “Didn’t” is used to negate the verb “eat.” This means that the action of eating dinner at the restaurant did not happen.
    • Full Form: They did not eat dinner at the restaurant.


Structure: Did + subject + base form of the verb?

Explanation: To form questions in the past simple tense, use “did” at the beginning of the sentence followed by the subject and the base form of the verb. The auxiliary verb “did” indicates that the question is about an action in the past.



  1. Did you watch the game last night?
    • Explanation: “Did” is used to form the question, “you” is the subject, and “watch” is the base form of the verb. This asks if the action of watching the game happened last night.
  2. Was she at the party yesterday?
    • Explanation: This is a question about the state of being (not an action). “Was” is the past tense of “is” for the subject “she.” This asks if her presence at the party was true yesterday.
  3. Did they visit their grandparents on the weekend?
    • Explanation: “Did” is used to form the question, “they” is the subject, and “visit” is the base form of the verb. This asks if the action of visiting their grandparents happened on the weekend.


Negative Sentences:

  • Formed with “did not” or “didn’t” + base form of the verb.
  • Example: He didn’t (did not) finish his work on time.


  • Formed with “Did” + subject + base form of the verb?
  • Example: Did you watch the game last night?

For state-of-being questions, use “was” or “were” instead of “did.”

  • Example: Was she at the party yesterday?

Past Simple Practice Exercises

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Past Simple Form

Fill in the blanks with the correct past simple form of the verbs in parentheses.

  1. She __________ (go) to the store yesterday.
  2. They __________ (eat) dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I __________ (watch) a movie last night.
  4. He __________ (finish) his homework on time.
  5. We __________ (visit) our grandparents last weekend.
  6. She __________ (see) a deer in the park.
  7. They __________ (play) soccer after school.
  8. I __________ (read) that book last year.


Exercise 2: Rewrite the Sentences in Negative Form

Rewrite the following sentences in the past simple negative form.

  1. She went to the store yesterday.
  2. They ate dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I watched a movie last night.
  4. He finished his homework on time.
  5. We visited our grandparents last weekend.


Exercise 3: Form Questions from the Given Sentences

Form questions from the following statements in the past simple tense.

  1. She went to the store yesterday.
  2. They ate dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I watched a movie last night.
  4. He finished his homework on time.
  5. We visited our grandparents last weekend.

Exercise 1:

  1. went
  2. ate
  3. watched
  4. finished
  5. visited
  6. saw
  7. played
  8. read

Exercise 2:

  1. She didn’t go to the store yesterday.
  2. They didn’t eat dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I didn’t watch a movie last night.
  4. He didn’t finish his homework on time.
  5. We didn’t visit our grandparents last weekend.

Exercise 3:

  1. Did she go to the store yesterday?
  2. Did they eat dinner at 7 PM?
  3. Did you watch a movie last night?
  4. Did he finish his homework on time?
  5. Did you visit your grandparents last weekend?

Exercise 4: Irregular Verbs Practice

Fill in the blanks with the correct past simple form of the irregular verbs in parentheses.

  1. She __________ (go) to the market.
  2. They __________ (eat) lunch early.
  3. I __________ (see) a rainbow.
  4. He __________ (take) a nap in the afternoon.
  5. We __________ (make) a cake

Exercise 5: Sentence Formation

Put the words in the correct order to form past simple sentences.

  1. yesterday / went / store / to / she / the
  2. dinner / they / at / ate / PM / 7
  3. last / watched / night / movie / a / I
  4. his / homework / finished / on / time / he
  5. visited / our / weekend / we / grandparents / last

Exercise 6: Story Completion

Complete the short story using the past simple form of the verbs in parentheses.

Last summer, my family and I __________ (go) on vacation to the beach. We __________ (have) a great time. Every morning, we __________ (wake) up early and __________ (go) for a swim. One day, we __________ (see) dolphins in the water. In the evenings, we __________ (eat) at different restaurants. On the last day, we __________ (buy) souvenirs to take home.

Exercise 7: Past Simple Questions Practice

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

  1. Did you go to the store yesterday?
  2. What time did they eat dinner?
  3. Did you watch a movie last night?
  4. Did he finish his homework on time?
  5. Where did you visit your grandparents last weekend?

Exercise 4:

  1. went
  2. ate
  3. saw
  4. took
  5. made

Exercise 5:

  1. She went to the store yesterday.
  2. They ate dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I watched a movie last night.
  4. He finished his homework on time.
  5. We visited our grandparents last weekend.

Exercise 6:

  1. went
  2. had
  3. woke
  4. went
  5. saw
  6. ate
  7. bought

Exercise 7: (Answers will vary; sample answers provided)

  1. Yes, I went to the store yesterday.
  2. They ate dinner at 7 PM.
  3. Yes, I watched a movie last night.
  4. Yes, he finished his homework on time.
  5. We visited our grandparents at their house last weekend.