Sentence Types

Sentence Types in English

Sentences in English can be categorized based on their purpose and structure. Understanding these types helps in effective communication, allowing us to express statements, ask questions, give commands, or convey strong emotions. Here’s a detailed explanation of the four main sentence types:

Declarative Sentences

Definition: Sentences that make a statement or express an opinion. They provide information or state facts. Declarative sentences end with a period.


  • The sun rises in the east.
  • She loves to read books.
  • We will meet at the park.
  • He is the best player on the team.

Interrogative Sentences

Definition: Sentences that ask a question. They are used to request information and always end with a question mark.


  • What time is it?
  • Where do you live?
  • Have you finished your homework?
  • Can you help me with this?

Imperative Sentences

Definition: Sentences that give commands, requests, or instructions. They often imply “you” as the subject, even if it is not stated. Imperative sentences can end with a period or an exclamation mark depending on the urgency or emotion.


  • Close the door.
  • Please pass the salt.
  • Don’t touch that!
  • Finish your work by tomorrow.

Exclamatory Sentences

Definition: Sentences that express strong emotions or feelings. They convey excitement, surprise, anger, or joy and always end with an exclamation mark.


  • What a beautiful day!
  • I can’t believe we won!
  • Watch out!
  • That’s amazing!

Exercise 1: Identify the Sentence Types

Identify whether each sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

  1. Please sit down.
  2. What are you doing?
  3. I love this song.
  4. How wonderful the show was!
  5. She is going to the market.
  6. Could you open the window?

Exercise 1

  1. Please sit down. – Imperative
  2. What are you doing? – Interrogative
  3. I love this song. – Declarative
  4. How wonderful the show was! – Exclamatory
  5. She is going to the market. – Declarative
  6. Could you open the window? – Interrogative


  • Declarative Sentences: Make a statement or express an opinion (e.g., She loves to read books.).
  • Interrogative Sentences: Ask a question (e.g., What time is it?).
  • Imperative Sentences: Give commands, requests, or instructions (e.g., Close the door.).
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Express strong emotions or feelings (e.g., What a beautiful day!).