Project Title: Sustainable Solutions for the Czech Republic

Objective: Students will collaborate to develop a comprehensive plan for promoting and implementing sustainability projects in the Czech Republic. The goal is to raise awareness, encourage action, and make a positive impact on the environment and society.


Project Overview:

  1. Research and Analysis:
    • Conduct research on current sustainability initiatives and challenges in the Czech Republic.
    • Analyze data and identify key areas for improvement, such as waste management, renewable energy, transportation, and conservation efforts.
  2. Brainstorming Session:
    • Organize a brainstorming session to generate ideas for sustainability projects.
    • Encourage creativity and collaboration among students to come up with innovative solutions.
  3. Project Selection:
    • Review and evaluate the brainstorming ideas based on feasibility, impact, and alignment with local needs.
    • Select a few projects that have the potential for meaningful change and can be realistically implemented within the given resources and timeframe.
  4. Project Planning:
    • Develop detailed plans for the selected projects, including objectives, timelines, budget estimates, and resource requirements.
    • Assign roles and responsibilities to team members to ensure effective project management.
  5. Community Engagement:
    • Design outreach strategies to engage the local community and raise awareness about sustainability issues.
    • Organize events, workshops, and educational campaigns to promote environmental consciousness and encourage participation in sustainability initiatives.
  6. Implementation Phase:
    • Begin implementing the selected projects according to the established plans.
    • Monitor progress, address challenges, and adapt strategies as needed to ensure successful execution.
  7. Evaluation and Reflection:
    • Evaluate the impact of the sustainability projects based on predefined metrics and objectives.
    • Reflect on lessons learned, successes, and areas for improvement.
    • Share findings and recommendations with stakeholders to inform future sustainability efforts.

Presentation Format:

  1. Introduction:
    • Overview of the project objectives and goals.
    • Importance of promoting sustainability in the Czech Republic.
  2. Research Findings:
    • Summary of research conducted on sustainability issues and opportunities in the Czech Republic.
    • Identification of key areas for intervention.
  3. Project Proposals:
    • Presentation of selected sustainability projects, including project descriptions, objectives, and anticipated outcomes.
    • Justification for project selection and alignment with local needs.
  4. Implementation Strategies:
    • Detailed plans for implementing the selected projects, including timelines, budgets, and resource allocation.
    • Strategies for community engagement and stakeholder involvement.
  5. Impact Assessment:
    • Evaluation criteria and methods for assessing the impact of the sustainability projects.
    • Anticipated benefits and potential challenges.
  6. Conclusion and Next Steps:
    • Summary of key findings and recommendations.
    • Call to action for continued support and involvement in sustainability efforts.

Presentation Guidelines:

  • Each group will have 15-20 minutes to present their ideas.
  • Presentations should be clear, concise, and engaging, using visual aids such as slides or posters.
  • Teams should be prepared to answer questions and provide additional details about their projects.
  • Encourage audience participation and feedback to foster a collaborative discussion.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Creativity and innovation in project proposals.
  • Feasibility and practicality of implementation plans.
  • Clarity and effectiveness of communication during the presentation.
  • Demonstration of understanding of sustainability concepts and local context.
  • Potential impact and sustainability of the proposed projects.

By engaging students in this project, they will not only gain valuable knowledge and skills in sustainability but also contribute to positive change in their community. This project encourages teamwork, critical thinking, and active citizenship, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment and society.


Examples of Current Programs in Czech

  • Prague’s Sustainable Mobility Plan: Prague has been implementing various initiatives to promote sustainable transportation, including expanding cycling infrastructure, improving public transportation, and pedestrianizing certain areas of the city center. Students can study these initiatives as examples of how cities can reduce car dependency and encourage alternative modes of transportation.


  • Waste Separation and Recycling Programs: The Czech Republic has made progress in waste management through the implementation of waste separation and recycling programs. Many municipalities have established systems for collecting and recycling paper, glass, plastic, and other materials. Students can learn about these programs and explore ways to further improve waste management practices.


  • Renewable Energy Development: The Czech Republic has been investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Students can research renewable energy projects in the country and investigate the potential for expanding renewable energy capacity.


  • Environmental Education Programs: Many schools and organizations in the Czech Republic offer environmental education programs aimed at raising awareness about sustainability issues and promoting eco-friendly behaviors. Students can participate in these programs and even initiate their own sustainability projects within their schools or communities.