Present Simple

Present Simple Tense

Definition: The present simple tense describes actions that happen regularly, facts, habits, and things that are always true.


  1. Positive Sentences:
    • Subject + base form of the verb (add -s or -es for he, she, it)
  2. Negative Sentences:
    • Subject + do/does not (don’t/doesn’t) + base form of the verb
  3. Questions:
    • Do/Does + subject + base form of the verb?


  1. Positive Sentences:
    • I walk to school.
    • You play soccer.
    • He watches TV.
    • She reads books.
    • It rains a lot here.
    • We visit our grandparents.
    • They work hard.
  2. Negative Sentences:
    • I do not (don’t) walk to school.
    • You do not (don’t) play soccer.
    • He does not (doesn’t) watch TV.
    • She does not (doesn’t) read books.
    • It does not (doesn’t) rain a lot here.
    • We do not (don’t) visit our grandparents.
    • They do not (don’t) work hard.
  3. Questions:
    • Do I walk to school?
    • Do you play soccer?
    • Does he watch TV?
    • Does she read books?
    • Does it rain a lot here?
    • Do we visit our grandparents?
    • Do they work hard?


  1. Regular Actions/Habits:
    • I brush my teeth every morning.
    • She drinks coffee every day.
  2. Facts and General Truths:
    • The sun rises in the east.
    • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  3. Scheduled Events (Timetables):
    • The train leaves at 9 AM.
    • The shop opens at 8 AM.
  4. Permanent Situations:
    • He lives in New York.
    • They work in a bank.

Forming the Present Simple:

  1. For I, You, We, They:
    • Use the base form of the verb.
    • Example: I play, You play, We play, They play
  2. For He, She, It:
    • Add -s or -es to the base form of the verb.
    • Example: He plays, She plays, It plays
    • For verbs ending in -sh, -ch, -ss, -x, -o, add -es: He watches, She goes

Common Mistakes:

  1. Forgetting the -s/-es with He, She, It:
    • Incorrect: He play soccer.
    • Correct: He plays soccer.
  2. Using the base form with does not:
    • Incorrect: He does not watches TV.
    • Correct: He does not watch TV.
  3. Using do not with He, She, It:
    • Incorrect: He do not like apples.
    • Correct: He does not like apples.

Signal Words:

  • Always
  • Usually
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Never
  • Every day/week/month/year

Examples with Signal Words:

  • I always walk to school.
  • She usually drinks coffee in the morning.
  • They never eat fast food.


The present simple tense is used to describe regular actions, habits, general truths, scheduled events, and permanent situations. It is formed with the base form of the verb for most subjects, but with an added -s or -es for he, she, and it in positive sentences. Negative sentences and questions use “do/does” as an auxiliary verb.

Present Simple Practice Exercises

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Present Simple Form

Fill in the blanks with the correct present simple form of the verbs in parentheses.

  1. She __________ (go) to the store every day.
  2. They __________ (eat) dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I __________ (watch) TV in the evening.
  4. He __________ (finish) his homework on time.
  5. We __________ (visit) our grandparents every weekend.
  6. She __________ (see) a bird in the tree.
  7. They __________ (play) soccer after school.
  8. I __________ (read) books in my free time.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the Sentences in Negative Form

Rewrite the following sentences in the present simple negative form.

  1. She goes to the store every day.
  2. They eat dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I watch TV in the evening.
  4. He finishes his homework on time.
  5. We visit our grandparents every weekend.

Exercise 3: Form Questions from the Given Sentences

Form questions from the following statements in the present simple tense.

  1. She goes to the store every day.
  2. They eat dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I watch TV in the evening.
  4. He finishes his homework on time.
  5. We visit our grandparents every weekend.

Exercise 1:

  1. goes
  2. eat
  3. watch
  4. finishes
  5. visit
  6. sees
  7. play
  8. read

Exercise 2:

  1. She does not (doesn’t) go to the store every day.
  2. They do not (don’t) eat dinner at 7 PM.
  3. I do not (don’t) watch TV in the evening.
  4. He does not (doesn’t) finish his homework on time.
  5. We do not (don’t) visit our grandparents every weekend.

Exercise 3:

  1. Does she go to the store every day?
  2. Do they eat dinner at 7 PM?
  3. Do you watch TV in the evening?
  4. Does he finish his homework on time?
  5. Do you visit your grandparents every weekend?