Past Continuous

The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, is used to describe ongoing or continuous actions that were happening at a specific point in the past. It emphasizes the duration of an action that was in progress before another action or a specific time in the past.


How to Form the Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous tense is formed using the past tense of the verb “to be” (was/were) + the present participle (verb + ing).


  • Subject + was/were + verb(-ing)


  • I was watching TV.
  • They were playing soccer.
  • She was reading a book.

When to Use the Past Continuous Tense

  1. To Describe an Ongoing Action in the Past:
    • The action was in progress at a particular moment in the past.
    • Example: “At 8 PM, I was having dinner.”
  2. To Show Two Simultaneous Actions:
    • Two actions happening at the same time in the past.
    • Example: “While I was cooking, he was setting the table.”
  3. To Describe Background Scenes in a Story:
    • It sets the scene for another event that occurred.
    • Example: “The sun was setting, and the birds were singing.”
  4. To Indicate an Interrupted Action:
    • An ongoing action that was interrupted by another action.
    • Example: “I was reading a book when the phone rang.”
  5. To Express Irritation or Annoyance:
    • Used with “always” to show that something was happening repeatedly.
    • Example: “She was always talking during the movie.”

Examples in Context

  1. Ongoing Action:
    • At 10 AM yesterday, I was meeting with a client.
  2. Simultaneous Actions:
    • While Jane was studying, her brother was playing video games.
  3. Background Scenes:
    • It was raining, and people were rushing to find shelter.
  4. Interrupted Action:
    • We were watching a movie when the electricity went out.
  5. Expressing Annoyance:
    • He was always leaving his clothes all over the place.

Key Points to Remember

  • Was/Were: Use “was” with singular subjects (I, he, she, it) and “were” with plural subjects (you, we, they).
  • Verb + ing: The main verb always ends in “-ing” in the past continuous tense.
  • Specific Time: The past continuous often specifies a particular time when the action was in progress.

Here are some more examples to illustrate the past continuous tense:

  • She was studying for her exams yesterday.
    • (The action of studying was ongoing in the past.)
  • They were playing football in the park when it started raining.
    • (The action of playing football was in progress before the rain started.)
  • I was cooking dinner when the phone rang.
    • (The action of cooking was happening at the moment the phone rang.)
  • He was reading a book all evening.
    • (The action of reading lasted for a considerable duration in the past.)
  • While we were watching a movie, the power went out.
    • (The action of watching the movie was interrupted by the power outage.)

The past continuous tense is commonly used when setting the scene or providing background information in a story or narrative. It’s also used to describe two ongoing actions that were happening simultaneously in the past.

Lily was at home. It was raining outside when she looked out the window. Rain was falling in the garden. Thunder was rumbling in the distance while her grandparents were cooking goulash. 

Past Continuous Practice Worksheet

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. At 7 PM last night, I __________ (watch) TV.
  2. When you called, I __________ (take) a shower.
  3. They __________ (not/listen) to music when I arrived.
  4. While she __________ (read), her brother __________ (play) video games.
  5. We __________ (have) dinner when the phone rang.
  6. The sun __________ (set) when we reached the beach.
  7. He __________ (study) for his exams all night.
  8. I __________ (walk) to the park when I saw an old friend.

Part 2: Correct the Mistakes

Each sentence below contains a mistake. Rewrite the sentence correctly.

  1. She was cook dinner when the guests arrived.
  2. They were playing soccer when it start to rain.
  3. I was not work when you called me yesterday.
  4. We was waiting for the bus when it broke down.
  5. While I am driving to work, I saw an accident.

Part 3: Complete the Story

Fill in the blanks with the correct past continuous form of the verbs provided in parentheses.

It was a beautiful day. The sun __________ (shine), and the birds __________ (sing). Jenny and Tom __________ (walk) to the park when they __________ (see) a little dog. The dog __________ (run) around and __________ (bark) loudly. Jenny __________ (try) to catch the dog while Tom __________ (call) for help. Suddenly, the dog __________ (stop) and __________ (sit) down. Jenny and Tom __________ (laugh) as they __________ (watch) the dog’s funny antics.

Answer Key

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

  1. was watching
  2. was taking
  3. were not listening
  4. was reading, was playing
  5. were having
  6. was setting
  7. was studying
  8. was walking

Part 2: Correct the Mistakes

  1. She was cooking dinner when the guests arrived.
  2. They were playing soccer when it started to rain.
  3. I was not working when you called me yesterday.
  4. We were waiting for the bus when it broke down.
  5. While I was driving to work, I saw an accident.

Part 3: Complete the Story

The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Jenny and Tom were walking to the park when they saw a little dog. The dog was running around and barking loudly. Jenny was trying to catch the dog while Tom was calling for help. Suddenly, the dog stopped and sat down. Jenny and Tom were laughing as they watched the dog’s funny antics.

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

  1. was watching
  2. was taking
  3. were not listening
  4. was reading, was playing
  5. were having
  6. was setting
  7. was studying
  8. was walking

Part 2: Correct the Mistakes

  1. She was cooking dinner when the guests arrived.
  2. They were playing soccer when it started to rain.
  3. I was not working when you called me yesterday.
  4. We were waiting for the bus when it broke down.
  5. While I was driving to work, I saw an accident.

Part 3: Complete the Story

The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Jenny and Tom were walking to the park when they saw a little dog. The dog was running around and barking loudly. Jenny was trying to catch the dog while Tom was calling for help. Suddenly, the dog stopped and sat down. Jenny and Tom were laughing as they watched the dog’s funny antics.