Classroom Activities

*Hot Seat

Type: Game/Puzzle

Description: A student sits in a chair facing away from the board. A word is written on the board, and their team provides clues for the student to guess the word within a set time.


Type: Game

Description: Divide the class into teams. Create a grid on the board with hidden points, typhoons (lose points), and bonuses. Teams choose a square and answer a question to reveal what’s underneath. This game combines quiz questions with an element of chance.


Type: Game

Description: Students act out a word or phrase without speaking, while the rest of the class guesses. This helps with non-verbal communication and vocabulary recall.

Speed Dating

Type: Role-Playing Scenario

Description: Students pair up and have a set amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) to introduce themselves and ask each other questions. After the time is up, they switch partners and repeat. This activity practices conversational skills and quick thinking.

Sentence Building Relay

Type: Game

Description: Divide the class into teams. Each team lines up, and the first student in each line writes a word on the board. The next student adds another word to continue the sentence, and so on. The goal is to build a coherent and grammatically correct sentence.

Descriptive Drawing

Type: Icebreaker/Warm-Up

Description: Pair up students. One student describes a picture (which their partner cannot see) while the other draws it based on the description. This activity focuses on descriptive language and listening skills.

Two Truths and a Lie

Type: Icebreaker/Warm-Up

Description: Each student takes turns sharing three statements about themselves – two truths and one lie. The rest of the class guesses which statement is the lie. This activity helps students practice speaking and listening skills while getting to know each other.

Interview Role-Play

Type: Role-Playing Scenario

Description: Students pair up and take turns interviewing each other for a fictional job. Provide a list of potential questions and encourage students to think of their own. This helps practice question formation, answering questions, and using professional vocabulary.

Guess the Word

Type: Game/Puzzle

Description: Write a word on the board that one student can’t see. The rest of the class gives clues to help the student guess the word without saying it directly. This activity enhances vocabulary and descriptive skills.

Market Day Simulation

Type: Role-Playing Scenario

Description: Set up a mock market in the classroom. Students take on roles as buyers and sellers, using provided prompts and vocabulary lists. They practice negotiating, buying, and selling in English, focusing on conversational skills and specific vocabulary.

Word Bingo

Type: Game/Puzzle

Description: Create bingo cards with vocabulary words or phrases instead of numbers. Call out definitions or descriptions, and students mark the corresponding word on their cards. This reinforces vocabulary comprehension and listening skills.

Story Chain

Type: Icebreaker/Warm-Up

Description: Start a story with one sentence, and then go around the class with each student adding a sentence to continue the story. This activity promotes creativity, quick thinking, and sentence structure practice.