
Discussing Technology in Daily Life

  • How much time do you spend using technology each day? What devices do you use the most?
  • What are some of the most important technologies in your life? How do they help you?
  • Do you think technology has made life easier or more complicated? Why?
  • How do you feel about using smartphones and computers for almost everything? Is it convenient or overwhelming?
  • How do you usually communicate with friends and family? Do you prefer texting, calling, or meeting in person?
  • What new technology are you most excited about? How do you think it will change your life?

Vocabulary Related to Technology

  • Can you name some common types of technology (e.g., smartphones, tablets, smartwatches)? How would you use them in a sentence?
  • What is an “app”? Can you name some apps you use regularly?
  • What does “Wi-Fi” mean? Why is it important for modern technology?
  • Can you explain what “social media” is? How do you use it in your daily life?
  • What is the difference between “hardware” and “software”?
  • What are “wearable devices”? Do you think they are useful?

Understanding the Impact of Technology

  • How has technology changed the way you learn or study? Do you think it’s for the better?
  • How do you think technology has changed the way people work? Are there more opportunities or challenges?
  • Do you think technology can help solve global problems, like healthcare or education? How?
  • What are some ways technology has changed how people spend their free time?
  • How do you feel about technology’s impact on relationships? Does it bring people closer together or create distance?
  • What are some potential dangers of using technology too much? How can people avoid them?

Conversations About Technology and Its Influence

  • How do you feel about the amount of personal information we share online? Is it safe?
  • Do you think there should be limits on how much technology we use? Why or why not?
  • How do you talk about new technology with friends or family? Are they as interested as you?
  • Have you ever taught someone to use a new piece of technology? How did it go?
  • Do you think older generations find it hard to keep up with new technology? How can we help them?
  • How do you balance using technology and spending time offline? What activities do you do away from screens?

Writing About Technology

  • Write about your favorite piece of technology. How does it make your life better?
  • Describe a day without using any technology. What would you do differently?
  • Imagine you could create a new gadget or app. What would it do, and who would use it?
  • Write about the pros and cons of technology in education. How has it changed the way students learn?
  • Imagine the world 50 years from now. How will technology have changed daily life?
  • Write a letter to a friend describing how technology has changed your life in the past five years.