Discussion Topic: Music and Concerts

Music and Concerts

Summary: Explore different music genres, favorite artists, and concert experiences.



  • Who is your favorite musician or band?
  • What was the best concert you have ever attended?
  • Do you play any musical instruments?

Discussing Music Preferences

  • What is your favorite type of music? Why do you like it?
  • Who is your favorite musician or band? What do you like about their music?
  • How often do you listen to music? Do you have a favorite time or place to listen to it?
  • Do you prefer listening to music alone or with others? Why?
  • How do you usually discover new music? Do you use apps, radio, or recommendations from friends?
  • Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones? If not, is there an instrument you’d like to learn?

Vocabulary Related to Music and Concerts

  • Can you name different genres of music? Which one is your favorite, and why?
  • What is a “live performance”? How does it differ from listening to recorded music?
  • What do you think makes a good singer or musician? Can you name some qualities?
  • What are some key elements of a great concert (e.g., stage presence, sound quality, audience interaction)?
  • What does it mean to “go on tour”? Have you ever followed a musician or band on tour?
  • Can you name some common musical terms (e.g., melody, harmony, rhythm)? How would you use them in a sentence?

Talking About Concert Experiences

  • Have you ever been to a concert? If so, which one was your favorite? If not, which artist would you like to see live?
  • How do you feel when you attend a live concert? What’s the atmosphere like?
  • What was the first concert you ever attended? How was the experience?
  • Do you prefer big music festivals or smaller, more intimate concerts? Why?
  • How do you usually prepare for a concert? Do you like to know all the songs, or do you enjoy surprises?
  • Have you ever met a musician or band member in person? What was it like?

Conversations About Music and Its Influence

  • How does music affect your mood? Can you give an example of a song that cheers you up or calms you down?
  • How important is music in your daily life? Could you imagine living without it?
  • Do you think music can bring people together? How?
  • How do you share music with your friends? Do you make playlists, send songs, or talk about your favorite tracks?
  • Have you ever listened to music from a culture different from your own? What did you think of it?
  • How do you feel about music videos? Do they add to the song, or do you prefer just listening to the music?

Advanced Dialogue: Exploring Music Genres, Favorite Artists, and Concert Experiences


  • Mia: A music lover with a diverse taste in genres and a knack for discovering new artists.
  • Leo: An avid concert-goer and musician who plays multiple instruments.

Setting: A cozy café with soft music playing in the background. Mia and Leo are sitting at a corner table, sipping coffee and discussing their favorite topic – music.

Mia: This café has such a great vibe, don’t you think? The music they play here is always on point. Speaking of music, who’s your favorite musician or band, Leo?


Leo: That’s a tough one! If I had to choose, I’d say Radiohead. Their music is so innovative and emotional. I love how they constantly evolve their sound. What about you, Mia?


Mia: I’m a huge fan of Björk. Her music is so unique and otherworldly. She’s always pushing boundaries and creating something new. Have you ever seen her live?


Leo: I haven’t had the chance yet, but I’ve heard her performances are incredible. What about you? What was the best concert you have ever attended?


Mia: The best concert I’ve ever attended has to be when I saw Coldplay live. The energy, the visuals, the crowd – everything was perfect. It was such a euphoric experience. How about you?


Leo: For me, it was seeing Muse at Wembley Stadium. The atmosphere was electric, and their performance was mind-blowing. They’re such great performers and musicians.


Mia: That sounds amazing. Do you play any musical instruments yourself?


Leo: Yes, I play the guitar, piano, and a bit of drums. I started with the guitar when I was a teenager, and it just grew from there. How about you? Do you play any instruments?


Mia: I play the piano. I started taking lessons when I was a kid, and I’ve loved it ever since. It’s such a versatile instrument. Do you have a favorite genre to play?


Leo: I really enjoy playing rock and alternative music. It’s fun to recreate some of my favorite songs. What about you? Do you stick to classical pieces, or do you branch out?


Mia: I mostly play classical, but I do enjoy experimenting with different genres. Jazz and blues are particularly fun to play because of the improvisation aspect. Have you ever tried your hand at composing?


Leo: Yes, I’ve composed a few pieces. It’s a challenging but rewarding process. There’s something magical about creating your own music. Have you composed anything?


Mia: I’ve dabbled a bit. Mostly short pieces and melodies. It’s something I’d like to explore more. Do you have any favorite musical genres to listen to that might surprise people?


Leo: I actually enjoy listening to a lot of ambient and electronic music. It’s a nice contrast to the rock and alternative stuff I usually play. How about you?


Mia: I love folk and indie music. The storytelling and acoustic elements are so soothing and captivating. Plus, it’s always nice to discover up-and-coming artists.


Leo: Folk and indie are great genres for discovering new talent. Do you have any concert experiences that really stood out because of the genre or artist?


Mia: Yes, I saw a folk artist named Iron & Wine in a small, intimate venue. The simplicity of the performance and the connection with the audience made it a memorable experience. What about you? Any unique concert experiences?


Leo: I went to an electronic music festival once, which was a completely different vibe from the rock concerts I usually attend. The energy and the light shows were incredible. It was a great experience.


Mia: That sounds like a lot of fun. It’s amazing how different genres and settings can create such unique experiences. Music really has a way of bringing people together, doesn’t it?


Leo: Absolutely. It’s one of the best ways to connect with others and share experiences. Here’s to many more concerts and musical adventures!

Writing About Music and Concerts

  • Write about your favorite song or album. What makes it special to you?
  • Describe a memorable concert you attended. What made it stand out?
  • Imagine you are organizing a music festival. Which bands or artists would you invite, and why?
  • Write about the role music plays in your life. How does it influence your day-to-day activities?
  • Describe a time when music helped you through a difficult situation. What song or artist was important to you?
  • Imagine you could interview any musician, alive or dead. Who would it be, and what would you ask them?