Discussion Topic: Favorite Movies and TV Shows

Favorite Movies and TV Shows

Summary: Share opinions on favorite films and TV series and explore different genres.



  • What is your all-time favorite movie and why?
  • Which TV series are you currently binge-watching?
  • Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the theater?

Discussing Movies and TV Shows

  • What is your favorite movie or TV show? Why do you like it?
  • How often do you watch movies or TV shows? Do you prefer watching them at home or in the cinema?
  • Do you prefer watching movies or TV shows? Why?
  • Who is your favorite actor or actress? What roles have they played that you enjoyed?
  • What genre of movies or TV shows do you enjoy the most (e.g., comedy, drama, action)? Why?
  • Have you ever watched a movie or TV show in English? How did you find it?

Vocabulary Related to Movies and TV Shows

  • Can you name some common genres of movies or TV shows? Which one is your favorite, and why?
  • What are some important elements of a good movie or TV show (e.g., plot, characters, setting)?
  • How would you describe the plot of your favorite movie or TV show in a few sentences?
  • What do you think makes a good director or producer? Can you name any famous ones?
  • Do you know any film or TV-related vocabulary (e.g., soundtrack, special effects, screenplay)? How would you use them in a sentence?
  • Can you name some popular streaming platforms or channels? Which one do you use the most?

Comprehending Reviews and Synopses

  • Do you read movie or TV show reviews before watching something new? Why or why not?
  • How do you decide which movie or TV show to watch? Do you rely on recommendations, trailers, or reviews?
  • Have you ever read a synopsis of a movie or TV show before watching it? Did it influence your decision to watch it?
  • What is the most interesting or surprising review you have read about a movie or TV show? Did you agree with it?
  • How do you usually find out about new movies or TV shows (e.g., social media, friends, advertisements)?
  • Have you ever been disappointed by a movie or TV show that had good reviews? What didn’t you like about it?

Conversations About Movies and TV Shows

  • How do you usually talk about movies or TV shows with your friends? Do you discuss the plot, characters, or something else?
  • Have you ever recommended a movie or TV show to someone? Did they like it?
  • How do you feel about watching movies or TV shows based on true stories? Do you find them more interesting?
  • Do you enjoy watching movies or TV shows with others, or do you prefer watching alone? Why?
  • How do you choose what to watch when you’re with friends or family? Do you usually agree on what to watch?
  • Have you ever watched a movie or TV show in a language other than your own? How did it compare to watching in your native language?

Advanced Dialogue: Favorite Movies and TV Shows


  • Emma: A film buff with a passion for classic cinema and independent films.
  • James: A TV series enthusiast who enjoys discussing the latest trends in streaming.

Setting: A living room with a large TV screen, shelves filled with DVDs, and a comfortable sofa where Emma and James are catching up.

Emma: Hey James, it’s been a while! How have you been?


James: Hey Emma! I’ve been great, just diving into some new TV series. How about you?


Emma: Same here. I recently watched a few classic films I’ve been meaning to see. Speaking of which, what’s your all-time favorite movie?


James: That’s a tough one, but I’d have to say The Shawshank Redemption. The story is incredibly moving, and the performances by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are just phenomenal. What about you?


Emma: Casablanca is my favorite. It’s a timeless classic with a perfect blend of romance, drama, and suspense. Plus, the dialogue is so memorable. “Here’s looking at you, kid,” never gets old.


James: Casablanca is a masterpiece. So, what TV series are you currently binge-watching?


Emma: I just finished The Crown. The acting and production values are top-notch, and I love how they delve into the personal lives of the royal family. What about you?


James: I’m hooked on Stranger Things. The nostalgia factor and the suspense keep me coming back for more. Plus, the character development is fantastic.


Emma: Stranger Things is definitely binge-worthy. Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the theater?


James: I enjoy both, but there’s something special about the theater experience – the big screen, the sound system, and the atmosphere. How about you?


Emma: I agree, the theater experience is unique, especially for big blockbusters. However, there’s a certain charm to watching movies at home, too. You can pause, rewind, and make yourself a nice cup of tea. Plus, it’s easier to have a movie marathon.


James: Definitely. Speaking of marathons, do you have any favorite movie or TV show genres?


Emma: I’m a big fan of film noir and indie films. I love the storytelling and the unique perspectives they offer. For TV shows, I lean towards historical dramas and crime thrillers. What about you?


James: I’m really into sci-fi and fantasy, both for movies and TV shows. The creativity and world-building are fascinating to me. I also enjoy a good mystery or thriller to keep me on the edge of my seat.


Emma: Sci-fi and fantasy can be so imaginative. Have you watched Blade Runner 2049? It’s a brilliant continuation of the original.


James: Yes, I loved it! The visuals are stunning, and it’s such a thought-provoking film. Do you have any recommendations for TV shows?


Emma: If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend Breaking Bad. It’s an intense ride with incredible character development. And for something lighter, Parks and Recreation is always a good choice.


James: I’ve heard great things about Breaking Bad. I’ll have to check it out. And I could always use some comedy with Parks and Recreation. Thanks for the recommendations!


Emma: Anytime! It’s always fun to discuss and discover new films and shows. Let’s make it a point to catch up more often and share our latest favorites.


James: Absolutely! Our conversations always give me great new things to watch. Cheers to our next movie night!

Writing About Movies and TV Shows

  • Write a short review of your favorite movie or TV show. What makes it stand out?
  • Imagine you are a character in your favorite TV show. Describe a day in your life.
  • Write about a movie or TV show that made a big impact on you. What did you learn from it?
  • Plan a movie night with friends. Which movies or TV shows would you choose, and why?
  • Describe a scene from a movie or TV show that you can watch over and over again. What makes it special?
  • Imagine you could create your own TV show. What would it be about, and who would star in it?