Discussion Topic: Food and Cooking

Food and Cooking

Summary: Talk about favorite dishes, cooking experiences, and culinary experiments.


  • What is your favorite dish to cook or eat?
  • Have you ever tried cooking a dish from another country? How did it turn out?
  • What is the most unusual food you have ever tasted?

Food Preferences

  • What is your favorite type of cuisine (e.g., Italian, Chinese, Mexican)? Why do you like it?
  • Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Give examples of your favorites.
  • What is your favorite meal of the day (breakfast, lunch, or dinner)? Why?
  • Are there any foods you dislike? Why don’t you like them?
  • Do you enjoy trying new foods, or do you prefer to stick to what you know? Explain your answer.
  • What is the most unusual food you have ever tried? Did you like it?

Cultural Differences

  • What are some traditional dishes from your country? How are they prepared?
  • How do the eating habits in your country differ from those in other countries you know?
  • Have you ever experienced a meal from another culture that was very different from your own? What was it like?
  • How important is food in social gatherings in your culture? Can you give an example?
  • What are some typical foods people eat during holidays or special occasions in your culture?
  • Are there any foods that are considered rude to refuse in your culture?

Food Items and Vocabulary

  • What are the essential ingredients in a typical meal from your country?
  • Can you name five fruits and five vegetables that you eat regularly? Which ones do you like the most?
  • How often do you eat meat, fish, or vegetarian meals? Do you have a preference?
  • Do you know the English names for any spices or herbs? Which ones do you use most often?
  • Can you describe a dish you know well, including the main ingredients and how it’s cooked?

Menus, Recipes, and Articles

  • How do you usually choose what to order when you go to a restaurant? Do you look at the menu carefully?
  • Have you ever followed a recipe to cook a meal? How did it turn out?
  • What is your favorite recipe? Can you describe the steps to make it?
  • Do you enjoy reading articles or watching shows about food and cooking? What have you learned from them?
  • Imagine you are writing a menu for a new restaurant. What would be the three main dishes you would include?

Dialogues About Food

  • How do you decide what to eat when you are with friends? Do you have any typical “go-to” dishes?
  • If you could invite any famous person to dinner, who would it be, and what would you cook for them?
  • How do you feel about food waste? Do you think people should be more careful with how much food they buy and cook?
  • Do you like to cook for others? What is the best meal you have ever cooked for someone?
  • Have you ever had a conversation with someone from another culture about food? What did you learn?

Advanced Dialogue: Food and Cooking


  • Sophia: A passionate home cook who loves experimenting with new recipes and cuisines.
  • Liam: A food enthusiast who enjoys dining out and trying exotic foods.

Setting: A sunny kitchen with a variety of ingredients and cooking utensils spread out on the counter. Sophia and Liam are preparing a meal together and chatting about their culinary experiences.

Sophia: Hey Liam, thanks for coming over to cook with me today! I’m excited to try out this new recipe.


Liam: Hi Sophia! Me too. Cooking together is always fun. So, what are we making?


Sophia: I thought we could make a classic Italian dish – homemade gnocchi with pesto sauce. It’s one of my favorites to cook. What about you? What’s your favorite dish to cook or eat?


Liam: That sounds delicious! My favorite dish to cook is probably Thai green curry. I love the balance of flavors – spicy, sweet, and savory. And to eat, I can never resist a good sushi platter.


Sophia: Thai green curry is amazing, especially with the fresh herbs and spices. Have you ever tried cooking a dish from another country? How did it turn out?


Liam: Yes, I actually tried making Spanish paella once. It was quite the challenge to get the rice just right, but it turned out pretty well in the end. How about you?


Sophia: I’ve tried my hand at making Indian biryani. It’s such a fragrant and flavorful dish, but it took a few tries to perfect the spices and layers. It’s always rewarding when it turns out well, though.


Liam: Biryani is so flavorful! Speaking of flavors, what is the most unusual food you have ever tasted?


Sophia: The most unusual food I’ve tried has to be escargot in France. I was a bit hesitant at first, but it was surprisingly good – very garlicky and buttery. What about you?


Liam: For me, it was probably durian in Southeast Asia. The smell was quite strong, but the taste was interesting – creamy and sweet, though not something I’d eat regularly.


Sophia: Durian is definitely an acquired taste! Do you enjoy experimenting with new ingredients and recipes?


Liam: Absolutely. I love trying out new ingredients, especially when I travel. It’s fascinating to see how different cultures use various spices and cooking techniques. Do you experiment a lot in your cooking?


Sophia: Yes, I love experimenting. I recently tried making a vegan chocolate mousse using avocado. It was surprisingly rich and delicious. It’s fun to see how you can create new dishes by combining unexpected ingredients.


Liam: That sounds intriguing! I’ve been experimenting with plant-based recipes lately, and it’s amazing how versatile some ingredients can be. Do you have any go-to sources for new recipes?


Sophia: I get a lot of inspiration from food blogs and cooking shows. I also love flipping through old family cookbooks. There’s always something new to discover. How about you?


Liam: Same here. I also follow a few YouTube chefs who make cooking look so easy and fun. It’s a great way to pick up new techniques and ideas.


Sophia: Definitely. Cooking shows can be so inspiring. Well, our gnocchi is ready to go into the boiling water. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!


Liam: Me neither. This is going to be delicious. Thanks for having me over to cook, Sophia. It’s always great to share our love of food and cooking.


Sophia: Anytime, Liam. Cooking together is always a blast. Here’s to many more culinary adventures!

Writing About Food

  • Describe your favorite meal in detail. What makes it special?
  • Write about a memorable meal you had with family or friends. Why was it unforgettable?
  • Imagine you are opening a restaurant. Write a short description of the restaurant’s theme, the types of food you will serve, and why people should visit.
  • Write about a time when you tried cooking something new. What was the experience like, and did you enjoy the result?
  • Describe the food you would serve at a dream dinner party. Who would you invite, and what dishes would you prepare?