C1-Level: Unit 8 - Advanced Culture and Society

C1-Level Lesson: Unit 8 – Advanced Culture and Society

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to discuss cultural phenomena and societal issues, understand cultural terms and global perspectives, comprehend cultural studies and articles on social justice and globalization, listen to discussions on cultural diversity and societal challenges, and write reflective essays on cultural experiences and opinion pieces on societal issues.


Materials Needed:

  1. Cultural studies and articles on social justice and globalization
  2. Audio recordings of discussions on cultural diversity and societal challenges
  3. Writing materials for students
  4. Visual aids or images related to cultural phenomena and societal issues

Duration: 90 minutes


Warm-Up (10 minutes): Start the lesson by discussing the importance of understanding cultural perspectives and societal issues in today’s globalized world. Ask students to share any cultural experiences or societal challenges they have encountered.

Speaking Practice (20 minutes):

  1. Provide students with discussion topics related to cultural phenomena and societal issues.
  2. Encourage students to share their perspectives and engage in meaningful discussions.
  3. Facilitate the discussion by asking probing questions and encouraging respectful dialogue.

Vocabulary Enrichment (15 minutes):

  1. Introduce cultural terms and global perspectives to the students, providing examples and explanations of their usage.
  2. Use visual aids or images to illustrate cultural phenomena and societal trends.
  3. Engage students in interactive activities or discussions to practice using cultural vocabulary in context.

Reading Comprehension (20 minutes):

  1. Distribute cultural studies and articles on social justice and globalization to the students.
  2. Have students read the texts individually or in pairs, focusing on understanding the content and analyzing the cultural perspectives presented.
  3. Lead a class discussion about the texts, asking students to share their interpretations and discuss the societal issues raised.

Listening Activity (15 minutes):

  1. Play audio recordings of discussions on cultural diversity and societal challenges for the students.
  2. Have students listen actively and take notes on key points and perspectives shared.
  3. Discuss the recordings as a class, focusing on understanding the different cultural viewpoints and societal concerns discussed.

Writing Practice (10 minutes):

  1. Assign students to write reflective essays on a cultural experience they have had, exploring the cultural insights gained and lessons learned.
  2. Alternatively, assign students to write opinion pieces on a societal issue of their choice, expressing their views and proposing solutions.
  3. Provide writing prompts or guiding questions to help students structure their essays effectively.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes): Conclude the lesson by reviewing key cultural terms and societal issues discussed during the lesson. Encourage students to continue exploring cultural perspectives and societal challenges in their daily lives.


Homework: Assign students to research a cultural phenomenon or societal issue and write a short analysis of its impact on global society. Have them consider different perspectives and implications in their analysis.


Assessment: Assess students’ speaking skills through observation of their participation in discussions on cultural phenomena and societal issues. Evaluate their reading comprehension based on their responses to comprehension questions and their contributions to class discussions. Monitor their listening comprehension through their notes and participation in the listening activity. Assess their writing skills based on the depth of reflection in their essays and the clarity of their opinion pieces. Provide feedback to help students deepen their understanding of cultural perspectives and societal issues.