C1-Level: Unit 7 - Advanced Grammar and Syntax

C1-Level Lesson: Unit 7 – Advanced Grammar and Syntax

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to utilize complex sentence structures and avoid common errors, understand advanced grammar concepts and employ sentence variety effectively, comprehend complex texts with varied sentence structures, listen to grammar explanations and examples, and engage in sentence combining exercises, error correction tasks, and stylistic analyses in writing.


Materials Needed:

  1. Complex texts with varied sentence structures
  2. Audio recordings of grammar explanations and examples
  3. Writing materials for students
  4. Visual aids or images related to advanced grammar concepts

Duration: 90 minutes


Warm-Up (10 minutes): Start the lesson by discussing the importance of sentence structure and advanced grammar in communication. Ask students to share any challenges they have faced with complex sentence structures or grammar concepts.


Speaking Practice (20 minutes):

  1. Provide students with sentences containing common errors or lacking in variety.
  2. Encourage students to rewrite the sentences using complex structures and avoiding errors.
  3. Have students practice speaking the revised sentences aloud, focusing on fluency and accuracy.

Vocabulary Enrichment (15 minutes):

  1. Introduce advanced grammar concepts and sentence variety to the students, providing examples and explanations of their usage.
  2. Use visual aids or images to illustrate complex sentence structures and grammar rules.
  3. Engage students in interactive activities or games to practice using advanced grammar concepts in context.

Reading Comprehension (20 minutes):

  1. Distribute complex texts with varied sentence structures to the students.
  2. Have students read the texts individually or in pairs, focusing on understanding the content and analyzing the sentence structures.
  3. Lead a class discussion about the texts, asking students to share their interpretations and identify examples of complex sentence structures.

Listening Activity (15 minutes):

  1. Play audio recordings of grammar explanations and examples for the students.
  2. Have students listen actively and take notes on key grammar concepts and sentence structures.
  3. Discuss the recordings as a class, focusing on understanding the explanations and examples provided.

Writing Practice (10 minutes):

  1. Assign students to complete sentence combining exercises or error correction tasks.
  2. Provide sentences with errors or lacking in variety, and ask students to revise them to improve clarity and fluency.
  3. Have students share their revised sentences with the class and discuss the changes made.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes): Conclude the lesson by reviewing key grammar concepts and sentence structures learned during the lesson. Encourage students to continue practicing their grammar skills and sentence variety in their writing.


Homework: Assign students to analyze a passage from a complex text and identify examples of varied sentence structures. Have them write a short reflection on the effectiveness of the author’s use of syntax in conveying meaning.


Assessment: Assess students’ speaking skills through observation of their ability to utilize complex sentence structures and avoid common errors. Evaluate their reading comprehension based on their responses to comprehension questions and their contributions to class discussions. Monitor their listening comprehension through their notes and participation in the listening activity. Assess their writing skills based on the clarity, variety, and accuracy of their revised sentences. Provide feedback to help students improve their language skills and grammar proficiency