C1-Level Lesson: Unit 10 - Review and Mastery

C1-Level Lesson: Unit 10 – Review and Mastery

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to reflect on their language growth, set future language learning goals, review key vocabulary from previous units, revisit texts from various genres and disciplines, listen to recordings from previous lessons, and write a reflective essay on their language learning journey while setting language learning goals for the future.


Materials Needed:

  1. Writing materials for students
  2. Visual aids or images related to language learning
  3. Audio recordings from previous lessons
  4. Texts from various genres and disciplines covered in previous units

Duration: 90 minutes


Warm-Up (10 minutes): Start the lesson by asking students to share their experiences with language learning since the beginning of the course. Encourage them to discuss any challenges they faced, as well as any progress they have made.


Speaking Practice (20 minutes):

  1. Have students engage in pairs or small groups to reflect on their language growth since the start of the course.
  2. Encourage them to discuss specific areas of improvement and areas they still want to focus on in the future.
  3. Facilitate a class discussion where students share their reflections and language learning goals with the whole class.

Vocabulary Review (15 minutes):

  1. Conduct a vocabulary review session where students revisit key vocabulary from previous units.
  2. Use flashcards or visual aids to help students remember the vocabulary words and their meanings.
  3. Engage students in interactive activities or games to practice using the vocabulary in context.

Reading and Listening Review (20 minutes):

  1. Distribute texts from various genres and disciplines covered in previous units to the students.
  2. Have students read the texts individually or in pairs, focusing on reviewing the content and analyzing the language used.
  3. Play audio recordings from previous lessons for the students to listen to, allowing them to revisit the language and pronunciation practiced in those lessons.

Writing Practice (15 minutes):

  1. Assign students to write a reflective essay on their language learning journey since the beginning of the course.
  2. Provide prompts or guiding questions to help students structure their essays and focus their reflections.
  3. Encourage students to also set specific language learning goals for themselves for the future.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes): Conclude the lesson by reviewing key insights and reflections shared by students during the speaking and writing activities. Emphasize the importance of continuous language learning and encourage students to stay motivated in their language learning journey.


Homework: Assign students to continue practicing their language skills outside of class by reading, listening, speaking, and writing in English regularly. Encourage them to keep track of their progress and adjust their language learning goals as needed.


Assessment: Assess students’ speaking skills through observation of their participation in the speaking activities and class discussions. Evaluate their vocabulary retention and usage during the vocabulary review session. Monitor their reading comprehension and listening comprehension through their responses to comprehension questions and their engagement with the texts and audio recordings. Assess their writing skills based on the depth of reflection in their essays and the clarity of their language learning goals. Provide feedback to help students further develop their language skills and achieve their language learning goals.