C1 Advanced Reading and Use of English

Part 1: Reading and Use of English

Multiple-Choice Cloze

Strategies to Succeed in Multiple-Choice Cloze Exercises

  1. Read the Entire Passage First: Before choosing any answers, read the entire passage to get a sense of the overall meaning and context. This will help you understand how each sentence relates to the others.
  2. Context is Key: Look at the sentences before and after each gap. The context can provide clues about what type of word (e.g., noun, verb, adjective) is needed.
  3. Identify Collocations: Pay attention to common word pairings or phrases that often go together. For example, “reduce the burden” is a common collocation, whereas “reduce the weight” is less likely in this context.
  4. Eliminate Wrong Answers: If you’re unsure of the correct answer, start by eliminating the options that are clearly incorrect. Narrowing down your choices can increase your chances of selecting the right one.
  5. Consider Grammar and Syntax: Make sure the word you choose fits grammatically within the sentence. For example, if the gap requires a noun, eliminate any options that are not nouns.
  6. Look for Signal Words: Words like “however,” “moreover,” “although,” and “therefore” can give you clues about the logical flow and relationship between sentences.
  7. Trust Your Instincts: If you’re stuck between two choices, trust your gut feeling. Often, your first instinct is correct.
  8. Review Your Answers: If time allows, go back and review your answers. Make sure each choice fits smoothly into the passage and that it makes sense in context

Practice: Part 1 Multiple-Choice Cloze

Instructions: For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap.

The Rise of Remote Work

The advent of technology has (1) _____ transformed the way we work. Remote work, once a rarity, has become a (2) _____ part of the modern professional landscape. This shift offers numerous benefits, both for employees and employers.

One of the primary advantages of remote work is the (3) _____ to flexibility. Employees can manage their work-life balance more effectively, reducing the (4) _____ of commuting and allowing for more personal time. Moreover, remote work can lead to increased productivity. Without the distractions of a traditional office, employees often find they can (5) _____ better on their tasks.

Employers also (6) _____ from remote work. It can reduce overhead costs, such as office rent and utilities. Furthermore, it allows companies to (7) _____ a wider talent pool, hiring individuals from different geographical locations.

However, remote work is not without its challenges. Maintaining communication and collaboration can be (8) _____, requiring the use of various digital tools and platforms to ensure team cohesion.

C1 Advanced Part 1 The Rise of Remote Work

Part 2: Reading and Use of English

Open Cloze

Strategies to Succeed in Part 2 Open Cloze Exercises

  1. Read the Entire Passage First: Before filling in any gaps, read the entire passage to understand the overall meaning and context.
  2. Look for Clues in the Sentence: The words surrounding the gap can provide important grammatical and contextual clues about what type of word is needed.
  3. Consider Common Phrases and Collocations: Think about common English phrases and collocations. Sometimes the missing word is part of a well-known expression.
  4. Check for Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure that the word you choose fits grammatically, especially in terms of subject-verb agreement.
  5. Think About the Logical Flow: The word you choose should help the sentence make sense logically. Consider how the sentence connects to the previous and following sentences.
  6. Use Contextual Knowledge: Use your knowledge of English and the subject matter to infer the correct word. Sometimes understanding the broader topic can help you guess the correct word.
  7. Read Aloud: If possible, read the sentence with your chosen word aloud to see if it sounds correct in context.
  8. Review Your Answers: If time allows, go back and review your answers. Make sure each word fits perfectly within the context of the passage.

Practice: Part 2 Open Cloze

Instructions: For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Write your answers down on a piece of paper.

The Importance of Sleep

It is widely known that sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining good health and well-being throughout our lives. (1) _____ we sleep, our bodies are working to support healthy brain function and maintain our physical health. In children and teenagers, sleep also helps support growth and development.

Sleep deficiency can (2) _____ a significant impact on your daily life. It can affect your ability to learn, focus, and react. In the long (3) _____, it can increase the risk of chronic health problems. A continuous lack of sleep can (4) _____ to serious conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Furthermore, sleep affects the way our immune system functions. Studies have shown that people (5) _____ do not get enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such (6) _____ a common cold. Lack of sleep can also affect how (7) _____ you recover if you do get sick.

Ensuring that you get enough quality sleep (8) _____ night is vital. Developing healthy sleep habits, like going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, can help improve your sleep patterns and overall health.

  1. While
  2. have
  3. run
  4. lead
  5. who
  6. as
  7. well
  8. each

Part 3 Reading and Use of English

Word Formation


Strategies to Succeed in Word Formation Exercises

  1. Understand the Root Word: Recognize the root word and understand its meaning. This will help you think about how it can be modified to fit the context of the sentence.
  2. Identify the Required Form: Determine what part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) is needed based on the context of the sentence. This will guide you in forming the correct word.
  3. Use Suffixes and Prefixes: Familiarize yourself with common suffixes and prefixes that can change the form of a word. For example, adding “-ity” to “able” forms “ability,” and “-ly” to “responsible” forms “responsibly.”
  4. Pay Attention to Sentence Structure: Look at the sentence structure to see if it provides clues. Words like “a” or “the” before the gap often indicate a noun, while words ending in “-ly” are typically adverbs.
  5. Practice Common Word Families: Practice with common word families where different forms of a word are frequently tested (e.g., create, creative, creation, creatively).
  6. Check Your Spelling: Ensure that you spell the modified word correctly. Incorrect spelling can result in losing marks.
  7. Use the Context: Use the overall context of the paragraph to help determine the correct word form. Sometimes the broader meaning of the text can provide clues.
  8. Review Your Answers: If time allows, review your answers to ensure that each word fits both grammatically and contextually in the sentence.

Word Formation Exercise: The Impact of Social Media

Instructions: For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Ensure that the word you form fits grammatically and contextually.

The rise of social media has had a profoundly (1) ______ effect on the way we communicate and share information. Social media platforms provide users with the (2) ______ to connect with others across the globe, share their thoughts, and stay informed about current events. However, this (3) ______ can have both positive and negative consequences.


One of the most significant benefits of social media is its ability to foster (4) ______. People can join online communities, share experiences, and offer support to one another. This can be particularly beneficial for those who may feel (5) ______ in their offline lives.


On the other hand, social media can also contribute to feelings of (6) ______. The constant comparison to others, exposure to negative content, and the pressure to maintain a certain image can lead to (7) ______ and anxiety. It is important to use social media (8) ______ and be mindful of its impact on our mental health.

  2. ABLE
  1. impactful
  2. ability
  3. connectivity
  4. sociability
  5. isolation
  6. loneliness
  7. depression
  8. responsibly

Part 4 Reading and Use of English

Key Word Transformations

Strategies to Succeed in Key Word Transformations Exercises

  1. Understand the Meaning: Read both sentences carefully to understand the exact meaning. Make sure your transformation keeps the same meaning as the original sentence.
  2. Identify the Grammar Structure: Recognize the grammatical structure needed for the transformation. This could be passive voice, reported speech, conditionals, etc.
  3. Use the Key Word Correctly: Ensure that you use the given key word without changing it. The key word will often guide you to the correct grammar structure.
  4. Keep Within the Word Limit: Your answer must be between three and six words long, including the key word. Pay attention to this requirement to avoid losing marks.
  5. Think About Synonyms and Paraphrasing: Use synonyms and paraphrasing techniques to rewrite the sentence while keeping the meaning the same.
  6. Practice Common Transformations: Practice with common transformations such as passive to active voice, direct to indirect speech, and expressing probability or certainty.
  7. Check Your Answer: After completing the transformation, check that the new sentence makes sense and retains the meaning of the original sentence.
  8. Review Grammar Rules: Regularly review grammar rules and structures that are frequently tested in key word transformations.

Practice: Part 4 Key Word Transformations

Instructions: For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

  1. I’m sure it was Sarah who left the door open.
    1. MUST Sarah ______________ the door open.
  2. They delayed the meeting until after the summer.
    1. PUT They ______________ the meeting until after the summer.
  3. It’s unusual for Tim to be so quiet.
    1. LIKE It’s ______________ be so quiet.
  4. He didn’t succeed in passing his driving test.
    1. FAILED He ______________ his driving test.
  5. “Why don’t we go for a walk?” said John.
    1. SUGGESTED John ______________ for a walk.
  6. It’s possible that Jane has missed the train.
    1. MAY Jane ______________ the train.
  1. must have left
  2. put off
  3. not like Tim to
  4. failed to pass
  5. suggested going
  6. may have missed

Part 5: Reading and Use of English

Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension

Strategies to Succeed in Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension Exercises

  1. Read the Text Carefully: Read the entire passage thoroughly before attempting the questions to understand the main ideas and details.
  2. Understand the Questions: Read each question carefully and try to understand what it is asking. Identify keywords in the question.
  3. Eliminate Wrong Answers: Use the process of elimination to remove options that are clearly incorrect, which will increase the chances of choosing the correct answer.
  4. Refer Back to the Text: Always refer back to the text to find evidence for your answer. Do not rely on memory alone.
  5. Look for Synonyms and Paraphrasing: The correct answer might not use the exact wording from the text but might paraphrase or use synonyms. Be on the lookout for these.
  6. Pay Attention to Details: Focus on specific details mentioned in the text that can help you answer the questions accurately.
  7. Manage Your Time: Keep an eye on the time and make sure you leave enough time to answer all questions. If a question is taking too long, move on and come back to it if time permits.
  8. Practice Regularly: Regular practice with multiple-choice reading comprehension exercises will improve your ability to quickly understand and analyze texts.

Practice: Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension

Instructions: For questions 1-6, read the text below and then choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).


The History of Tea


Tea has a rich and varied history that spans thousands of years. It is believed that tea was first discovered in China over 4,000 years ago. According to legend, Emperor Shen Nong was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water. Some leaves from the tree blew into the water, and Shen Nong decided to taste the infusion that his servant had accidentally created. The tree was a wild tea plant, and Shen Nong found the drink to be refreshing and invigorating.


The popularity of tea spread from China to other parts of Asia, including Japan and Korea. In the 8th century, tea was introduced to Japan by Buddhist monks who had traveled to China to study. They brought back tea seeds and the methods of cultivation and preparation, integrating tea drinking into Japanese culture.


Tea arrived in Europe in the 16th century, brought by Portuguese and Dutch traders. It quickly became popular, particularly in Britain, where it became a national obsession. The British East India Company played a crucial role in the expansion of tea consumption, importing large quantities from China and later establishing tea plantations in India.

The cultural significance of tea varies across different regions. In China, tea is often associated with philosophy and meditation. In Japan, the tea ceremony, known as Chanoyu, is a highly ritualized practice that emphasizes harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. In Britain, afternoon tea is a social event that involves not just drinking tea, but also eating sandwiches, scones, and pastries.


Today, tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Its versatility and variety mean that there is a type of tea to suit every taste, from the robust black teas of Assam to the delicate green teas of Japan.


  1. According to the text, how was tea first discovered?
        A) By Buddhist monks who brought it to Japan.
        B) Accidentally, by Emperor Shen Nong.
          C) By traders from Portugal and the Netherlands.
          D) By the British East India Company.


  1. What role did Buddhist monks play in the history of tea?
        A) They introduced tea to China.
        B) They created the first tea plantations.
          C) They brought tea to Japan and integrated it into Japanese culture.
          D) They established the tea trade between China and Europe.


  1. How did tea become popular in Europe?
        A) Through the efforts of the British East India Company.
        B) After it was discovered by Emperor Shen Nong.
          C) By being introduced by Buddhist monks.
          D) Through Portuguese and Dutch traders.


  1. In Japanese culture, what is the significance of the tea ceremony?
        A) It symbolizes trade and commerce.
        B) It emphasizes harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility.
          C) It reflects the philosophical aspects of tea in China.
          D) It is associated with social events like afternoon tea in Britain.


  1. What does the text suggest about the variety of tea available today?
        A) There is a limited selection of tea types.
        B) Only green tea from Japan is popular.
          C) There is a wide range of teas to suit different tastes.
          D) Black teas are the most commonly consumed worldwide.


  1. Which statement best summarizes the cultural impact of tea according to the text?
        A) Tea is only significant in Asian cultures.
        B) Tea has a universal appeal and is integrated into various cultural practices.
          C) The British East India Company monopolized the tea trade.
          D) Tea drinking is mainly a historical practice with little modern relevance.   



  1. B) Accidentally, by Emperor Shen Nong.
  2. C) They brought tea to Japan and integrated it into Japanese culture.
  3. D) Through Portuguese and Dutch traders.
  4. B) It emphasizes harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility.
  5. C) There is a wide range of teas to suit different tastes.

Part 6: Reading and Use of English

Gapped Text

Strategies to Succeed in Gapped Text Exercises

  1. Read the Whole Text First: Before trying to fill in the gaps, read the entire text to understand the overall context and flow of the passage.
  2. Understand the Context Around Each Gap: Look at the sentences before and after each gap to understand what kind of information is missing. This will help you choose the most appropriate sentence.
  3. Pay Attention to Logical Flow: Ensure that the sentence you choose maintains the logical flow of the text. The chosen sentence should make sense in the context of the surrounding sentences.
  4. Look for Linking Words and Phrases: Pay attention to linking words (e.g., however, therefore, additionally) that can help you determine the correct sentence. These words often indicate how sentences connect logically.
  5. Identify Pronouns and References: Ensure that any pronouns or references in the chosen sentence match the rest of the text. For example, if the previous sentence mentions “parks,” the chosen sentence should logically follow this reference.
  6. Eliminate Wrong Options: Use the process of elimination to discard sentences that clearly do not fit. This will make it easier to find the correct sentence for each gap.

Practice: Gapped Text

Instructions: You are going to read an article. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

The Benefits of Urban Green Spaces


Urban green spaces, such as parks and gardens, play a crucial role in the well-being of city residents. These areas provide a natural refuge from the hustle and bustle of urban life, offering numerous benefits to both physical and mental health. (1) _____. They provide a place for exercise, which is essential for maintaining physical health. Walking, jogging, and other forms of physical activity can be done in a pleasant environment, which makes it more likely that people will stick to their exercise routines.


Green spaces are also vital for mental health. (2) _____. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The calming effect of natural surroundings can improve mood and provide a sense of tranquility, which is often hard to find in urban environments.


In addition to health benefits, urban green spaces also promote social interaction. (3) _____. Community events, picnics, and recreational activities bring people together and foster a sense of community. This social cohesion can improve overall quality of life and create a stronger sense of belonging among city residents.


Another important benefit of urban green spaces is their impact on the environment. (4) _____. Trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to improve air quality. Moreover, green areas can reduce the urban heat island effect, where cities experience higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas due to human activities and infrastructure.


Green spaces can also have economic benefits. (5) _____. Properties near parks and gardens tend to have higher values, and businesses located in greener areas may attract more customers. Furthermore, well-maintained parks and gardens can boost tourism, bringing economic advantages to the city.


Despite their many benefits, urban green spaces are often under threat from development and neglect. (6) _____. It is essential for city planners and policymakers to prioritize the preservation and creation of green areas to ensure that cities remain livable and healthy for all residents.



  1. These areas serve as communal gathering spots where people can meet and socialize.
  2. Unfortunately, many urban areas are facing increasing pressure to develop land for housing and commercial use.
  3. Spending time outdoors has been linked to numerous mental health benefits.
  4. Urban green spaces are more than just areas of natural beauty; they offer significant environmental advantages as well.
  5. Exercise routines are more effective when performed in natural surroundings.
  6. They can increase property values and attract investment in the local economy.
  7. Physical activity in green spaces has been shown to have numerous health benefits.
  1.   G) Physical activity in green spaces has been shown to have numerous health benefits.
  2.   C) Spending time outdoors has been linked to numerous mental health benefits.
  3.   A) These areas serve as communal gathering spots where people can meet and socialize.
  4.   D) Urban green spaces are more than just areas of natural beauty; they offer significant environmental advantages as well.
  5.   F) They can increase property values and attract investment in the local economy.
  6.   B) Unfortunately, many urban areas are facing increasing pressure to develop land for housing and commercial use. 

Part 7: Reading and Use of English

Multiple Matching

Strategies to Succeed in Multiple Matching Exercises

  1. Skim the Texts First: Quickly skim through all the texts to get a general idea of the content and the themes discussed in each.
  2. Identify Keywords in Questions: Highlight or underline keywords in the questions or statements. This will help you focus on finding specific information in the texts.
  3. Match Keywords and Synonyms: Look for the same keywords or their synonyms in the texts. This will help you locate the relevant information more efficiently.
  4. Use the Process of Elimination: If certain texts clearly do not match with some questions, eliminate them as options. This can narrow down your choices and make it easier to find the correct matches.
  5. Read Carefully for Details: Once you think you’ve found the answer, read that part of the text carefully to make sure it fully matches the question.
  6. Cross-Check Answers: If a text matches one of the questions, check if the remaining questions still make sense with the other texts. This ensures your answers are logically consistent.
  7. Pay Attention to Text Structure: Understanding the structure of each text (e.g., introduction, main points, conclusion) can help you locate information more quickly.
  8. Practice Regularly: Regular practice with multiple matching exercises will improve your ability to quickly identify and match information accurately.

Practice: Mutiple Matching

Instructions: You are going to read four reviews of different books about environmental issues. For questions 1-10, choose from the reviews (A-D). The reviews may be chosen more than once.

Book Reviews on Environmental Issues


Review A: “The Climate Solution” by Dr. Emily Harper

Dr. Emily Harper’s “The Climate Solution” presents a comprehensive look at the various strategies we can implement to combat climate change. Harper emphasizes renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind power, and discusses the economic and social benefits they can bring. The book also includes case studies of successful projects from around the world, making it both informative and inspiring.


Review B: “Sustainable Living” by Michael Green

In “Sustainable Living,” Michael Green provides a practical guide to reducing our environmental footprint in everyday life. The book is filled with tips on everything from reducing waste to conserving water and energy. Green’s approachable writing style makes complex concepts easy to understand, and his emphasis on small, manageable changes encourages readers to take action.


Review C: “Biodiversity at Risk” by Dr. Anna Martinez

Dr. Anna Martinez’s “Biodiversity at Risk” highlights the urgent need to protect our planet’s biodiversity. Martinez explores the interdependence of species and ecosystems, and the consequences of losing biodiversity. The book includes numerous photographs and illustrations, bringing the subject to life and underscoring the beauty and importance of preserving our natural world.


Review D: “Green Economics” by Professor James Carter

“Green Economics” by Professor James Carter delves into the economic implications of environmental policies. Carter argues that sustainable practices can lead to economic growth and stability. He critiques current economic models and proposes alternatives that incorporate environmental costs. The book is dense with information and best suited for readers with a background in economics or environmental science.


Which book…

  1.   discusses the positive effects of using renewable energy sources?
  2.   provides practical advice for individuals to make environmentally friendly changes?
  3.   includes visual elements to enhance understanding of its subject matter?
  4.   emphasizes the connection between economic policies and environmental sustainability?
  5.   is written in an accessible style for a general audience?
  6.   contains case studies of successful environmental projects?
  7.   critiques traditional economic models and suggests new ones?
  8.   stresses the importance of biodiversity conservation?
  9.   is aimed at readers with prior knowledge of economics or environmental science?
  10.   focuses on reducing the environmental impact in daily life?
  1. Review A: “The Climate Solution” by Dr. Emily Harper
  2. Review B: “Sustainable Living” by Michael Green
  3. Review C: “Biodiversity at Risk” by Dr. Anna Martinez
  4. Review D: “Green Economics” by Professor James Carter
  5. Review B: “Sustainable Living” by Michael Green
  6. Review A: “The Climate Solution” by Dr. Emily Harper
  7. Review D: “Green Economics” by Professor James Carter
  8. Review C: “Biodiversity at Risk” by Dr. Anna Martinez
  9. Review D: “Green Economics” by Professor James Carter
  10. Review B: “Sustainable Living” by Michael Green

Part 8: Reading and Use of English

Multiple Matching

Strategies to Succeed in Multiple Matching Exercises

  1. Skim the Texts First: Quickly skim through all the texts to get a general idea of the content and themes discussed in each one.
  2. Identify Keywords in Questions: Highlight or underline keywords in the questions or statements to focus on finding specific information in the texts.
  3. Match Keywords and Synonyms: Look for the same keywords or their synonyms in the texts to help you locate the relevant information more efficiently.
  4. Use the Process of Elimination: If certain texts clearly do not match some questions, eliminate them as options. This can narrow down your choices and make it easier to find the correct matches.
  5. Read Carefully for Details: Once you think you’ve found the answer, read that part of the text carefully to ensure it fully matches the question.
  6. Cross-Check Answers: If a text matches one of the questions, check if the remaining questions still make sense with the other texts to ensure your answers are logically consistent.
  7. Pay Attention to Text Structure: Understanding the structure of each text (e.g., introduction, main points, conclusion) can help you locate information more quickly.
  8. Practice Regularly: Regular practice with multiple matching exercises will improve your ability to quickly identify and match information accurately.

Practice: Multiple Matching

Instructions: You are going to read four short texts about different types of renewable energy sources. For questions 1-10, choose from the texts (A-D). The texts may be chosen more than once.

Renewable Energy Sources

Text A: Solar Power

Solar power harnesses energy from the sun using photovoltaic cells or solar panels. It is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy due to its accessibility and the decreasing cost of solar panels. Solar energy can be used for a variety of applications, from generating electricity to heating water and powering vehicles. Its main advantage is that it is a clean and inexhaustible resource, making it a cornerstone of sustainable energy strategies.


Text B: Wind Power

Wind power involves using wind turbines to convert wind energy into electricity. Wind farms can be found both onshore and offshore, with offshore locations often providing more consistent and stronger winds. Wind power is known for its efficiency and ability to generate large amounts of electricity without emitting greenhouse gases. However, it requires significant initial investment and careful planning to mitigate impacts on local wildlife and scenery.


Text C: Hydroelectric Power

Hydroelectric power generates electricity by using the flow of water to spin turbines connected to generators. It is one of the oldest and most reliable forms of renewable energy. Large-scale hydroelectric plants, like dams, can produce substantial amounts of electricity and provide benefits such as flood control and water supply. Nonetheless, they can also have significant environmental and social impacts, including displacement of communities and disruption of local ecosystems.


Text D: Geothermal Power

Geothermal power utilizes heat from beneath the Earth’s surface to generate electricity and provide direct heating. This energy source is highly efficient and can operate continuously, providing a stable energy supply. Geothermal plants have a small footprint and low emissions, but they are location-specific, meaning they can only be built in regions with accessible geothermal resources. Despite this limitation, geothermal energy plays a crucial role in diversifying renewable energy portfolios.



Which text…

  1. mentions the ability to use the energy source for multiple applications?
  2. highlights a form of energy with minimal environmental disruption?
  3. discusses the need for careful planning to minimize negative effects?
  4. describes an energy source that can contribute to water management?
  5. refers to the historical significance and reliability of the energy source?
  6. points out the energy source’s capacity to provide continuous power?
  7. talks about the accessibility and declining cost of the energy source?
  8. emphasizes the importance of the energy source in a sustainable strategy?
  9. notes the potential environmental and social consequences of the energy source?
  10. mentions the energy source’s suitability for large-scale electricity production?


  1. Text A: Solar Power
  2. Text D: Geothermal Power
  3. Text B: Wind Power
  4. Text C: Hydroelectric Power
  5. Text C: Hydroelectric Power
  6. Text D: Geothermal Power
  7. Text A: Solar Power
  8. Text A: Solar Power
  9. Text C: Hydroelectric Power
  10. Text B: Wind Power