Conversation Prompts—Daily Routine and Habits

Daily Routines 

  • Morning Rituals: What is your typical morning routine? Do you follow the same routine every day, or does it change? Why?
  • Breakfast Choices: Do you eat breakfast every day? What do you usually have? How important do you think breakfast is for a productive day?
  • Exercise Routine: Do you have a regular exercise routine? What type of physical activity do you enjoy, and how does it fit into your daily schedule?
  • Commuting Experience: How do you get to work or school? Describe your commute. Is it something you enjoy, or do you find it stressful?
  • Work or Study Schedule: How do you organize your work or study time? Are you more productive in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Why do you think that is?
  • Lunch Break: What do you usually do during your lunch break? Do you eat out, bring food from home, or skip lunch altogether?
  • Evening Activities: What do you typically do in the evening after work or school? How do you unwind after a long day?
  • Screen Time: How much time do you spend on your phone or computer each day? Do you think it’s too much? Why or why not?
  • Weekend Routine: How does your weekend routine differ from your weekday routine? What activities do you prioritize on the weekends?
  • Sleep Habits: How many hours of sleep do you usually get? Do you have any particular habits before bed that help you sleep better?

Time Management and Priorities

  • Daily Planning: How do you plan your day? Do you use any specific tools or methods, like to-do lists or apps, to manage your time?
  • Balancing Work and Leisure: How do you balance your professional or academic responsibilities with leisure activities? Do you think you have a good balance?
  • Prioritizing Tasks: When you have a busy day, how do you decide which tasks to prioritize? Can you share an example of a day when you had to juggle multiple responsibilities?
  • Procrastination: Do you ever procrastinate? If so, what activities do you tend to put off, and how do you eventually get them done?
  • Adapting to Changes: How do you handle unexpected changes to your daily routine? Can you describe a time when you had to adjust your plans suddenly?

Personal Preferences and Reflections

  • Ideal Daily Routine: If you could design your ideal daily routine without any constraints, what would it look like? How would it differ from your current routine?
  • Routine Changes: Have you made any significant changes to your daily routine recently? What prompted the change, and how has it affected you?
  • Cultural Differences: How do you think daily routines in your country compare to those in other cultures? Have you noticed any interesting differences when interacting with people from other countries?
  • Productivity Tips: What are your top tips for staying productive throughout the day? Do you follow any specific strategies or advice from others?
  • Reflecting on Your Day: At the end of the day, how do you feel about what you’ve accomplished? Do you ever reflect on what went well and what you could improve for the next day?


Prompt: What is your typical morning routine? Do you follow the same routine every day, or does it change? Why?


My typical morning routine is pretty consistent because I find that having a set schedule helps me start the day on the right foot. I usually wake up around 7:00 AM, and the first thing I do is drink a glass of water. Then, I take a quick shower to wake myself up fully. After that, I spend about 10 minutes doing some light stretching or yoga—it really helps me feel energized.


Next, I have breakfast, which is usually something simple like yogurt with fruit or toast with avocado. While I’m eating, I like to listen to a podcast or some music. Finally, I spend a few minutes planning my day, writing down the tasks I need to accomplish. By 8:00 AM, I’m ready to start work.


My routine doesn’t change much during the week, but on weekends, I might sleep in a bit longer and take things more slowly. I think having a routine makes my mornings less stressful and more productive.