B2 First: Reading and Use of English

B2 First (FCE) Reading and Use of English Preparation Guide


The B2 First (FCE) Reading and Use of English section is designed to test your ability to understand different texts and use English accurately. This section is divided into seven parts, each focusing on different skills. Below, you’ll find detailed explanations, tips, strategies, and activities to help you ace this section of the exam.

Part 1: Multiple-Choice Cloze

What to Expect:

  • A text with 8 gaps and a choice of four words (A, B, C, D) to fill each gap.

Strategies for Multiple-Choice Cloze

  1. Read the Whole Text First:
    • Get a general understanding of the text before answering the questions. This helps you grasp the overall context.
  2. Look for Clues in the Sentence:
    • Focus on the words and phrases immediately surrounding each gap to help determine the correct answer.
  3. Consider Collocations and Phrasal Verbs:
    • Pay attention to common word pairings and phrasal verbs that often go together.
  4. Check All Options:
    • Consider all four options before choosing your answer. Eliminate any choices that clearly do not fit.
  5. Think About the Meaning:
    • Make sure the word you choose makes sense in the context of the sentence and the overall passage.
  6. Use Grammar and Syntax Clues:
    • Ensure that the chosen word fits grammatically within the sentence.
  7. Practice Regularly:
    • Regular practice with multiple-choice cloze tasks will help you recognize patterns and improve your accuracy.



For questions 1-8, read the text below and choose the best word for each gap.



The Joy of Travel

Traveling is often considered one of the best ways to (1) ________ your horizons and experience new cultures. It allows you to see the world from a different (2) ________ and gain a deeper understanding of the places you visit. One of the greatest (3) ________ of travel is the opportunity to meet new people and make lasting friendships.


Of course, travel also comes with its challenges. Navigating unfamiliar places and dealing with language (4) ________ can be difficult, but these experiences can also be incredibly rewarding. They (5) ________ you to step out of your comfort zone and develop new skills.


Planning is essential for a successful trip. It’s important to (6) ________ research on your destination and plan your itinerary carefully. This helps to ensure that you make the most of your time and (7) ________ any potential problems.


In conclusion, travel is not just about seeing new places; it’s about (8) ________ yourself and growing as a person. The experiences you gain and the memories you create will stay with you for a lifetime.

B2 Part 1 The Joy of Travel

Part 2: Open Cloze

What to Expect:

  • A text with 8 gaps. You need to fill in each gap with one word.

Strategies for Open Cloze

  1. Read the Whole Text First:
    • Before filling in the gaps, read the entire text to understand the context and overall meaning.
  2. Identify the Context:
    • Look at the sentences before and after each gap to understand what type of word (preposition, conjunction, pronoun, etc.) is needed.
  3. Consider Common Phrases and Collocations:
    • Think about common English phrases and collocations that might fit in the gap.
  4. Check Grammar and Syntax:
    • Ensure the word you choose fits grammatically within the sentence. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement, tense, and prepositions.
  5. Use the Surrounding Words:
    • The words around the gap can provide clues about what is missing. For example, certain prepositions or articles often accompany specific words.
  6. Practice Regularly:
    • Consistent practice with open cloze tasks will help you recognize patterns and improve your ability to fill in the gaps accurately.
  7. Stay Calm and Focused:
    • If you’re unsure about a gap, move on and come back to it later. Sometimes, other parts of the text will provide clues that can help you figure it out.



For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Write your answer on a piece of paper.


The Importance of Exercise


Regular exercise is essential (1) ________ maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not (2) ________ does it help you keep fit, but it also improves your mental health. Many people find that physical activity helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which (3) ________ important for overall well-being.


One of the best things about exercise is that there are so many different ways to do it. Whether you enjoy running, swimming, cycling, (4) ________ even dancing, there is an activity to suit everyone. It’s important to find something you enjoy (5) ________ that you are more likely to stick with it.


Another benefit of regular exercise is that it can help prevent a number of serious health conditions, (6) ________ as heart disease and diabetes. By keeping your body active, you are helping to keep it in good working order, (7) ________ will help you live a longer and healthier life.


In conclusion, incorporating exercise (8) ________ your daily routine is one of the best things you can do for your health. Not only does it benefit your body, but it also has a positive impact on your mind and overall quality of life.

  1. for
  2. only
  3. is
  4. or
  5. so
  6. such
  7. which
  8. into

Part 3: Word Formation

What to Expect:

Strategies for Word Formation

  1. Read the Whole Text First:
    • Before filling in the gaps, read the entire text to understand the context and overall meaning.
  2. Identify the Part of Speech:
    • Determine what part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) is needed to complete the sentence grammatically.
  3. Look at the Root Word:
    • Consider the root word given and think about how it can be transformed to fit the gap. Common transformations include adding prefixes or suffixes, or changing the word form (e.g., noun to adjective).
  4. Common Prefixes and Suffixes:
    • Familiarize yourself with common prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -ment, -tion, -able, -ly) used in word formation.
  5. Check for Plurals and Tense:
    • Make sure your answer matches the required number (singular or plural) and tense if applicable.
  6. Practice Regularly:
    • Consistent practice with word formation tasks will help you recognize patterns and improve your ability to transform words quickly and accurately.
  7. Use the Surrounding Text:
    • Use the context provided by the surrounding text to help determine the correct form of the word.



For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Climate Change: A Global Challenge

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing our world today. The (1) ___________ (GROW) in global temperatures is causing a wide range of environmental problems. One of the most (2) ___________ (WORRY) effects of climate change is the increase in extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and floods. These events can have (3) ___________ (DISASTER) consequences for communities and economies.

Many scientists agree that human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and (4) ___________ (DEFOREST), are major contributors to climate change. It is (5) ___________ (VITAL) important for governments and individuals to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our planet.

One way to help combat climate change is to invest in (6) ___________ (RENEW) energy sources, such as solar and wind power. These sources of energy are (7) ___________ (SUSTAIN) and do not produce harmful emissions. Additionally, (8) ___________ (EDUCATE) people about the impact of their actions on the environment is crucial for promoting more environmentally-friendly behavior.

  1. growth
  2. worrying
  3. disastrous
  4. deforestation
  5. vitally
  6. renewable
  7. sustainable
  8. educating

Part 4: Key Word Transformations

What to Expect:

  • Six sentences followed by a key word and a second sentence with a gap. You must complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

Strategies for Key Word Transformations

  1. Understand the Sentence:
    • Read both sentences carefully to understand the context and meaning.
  2. Identify Keywords:
    • Identify the key word given and think about how it changes the structure of the sentence.
  3. Synonyms and Phrasing:
    • Think about synonyms or different phrasings that can convey the same meaning. Remember that you must use the word given without changing it.
  4. Grammar and Structure:
    • Pay attention to grammatical changes that might be needed. This could involve changing the tense, using a passive voice, or adding necessary prepositions.
  5. Practice Common Structures:
    • Familiarize yourself with common transformation structures, such as:
      • Active to passive voice
      • Use of conditionals
      • Reporting verbs and speech
      • Expressing purpose, reason, contrast, and concession
  6. Word Limits:
    • Ensure your answer is between two and five words, including the word given.
  7. Check Your Answer:
    • After completing the transformation, re-read both sentences to ensure they have the same meaning and that you haven’t changed the given word.


For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

  1. I haven’t seen Peter for five years.
    It’s ________________ saw Peter.
  2. We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily.
    We didn’t go out ________________ rain.
  3. Although she felt tired, Jane stayed up late to finish her essay.
    Jane stayed up late to finish her essay ________________ tired.
  4. I’m sure he didn’t mean to upset you.
    He had ________________ you.
  5. The book was so interesting that I couldn’t put it down.
    It was ________________ I couldn’t put it down.
  6. They think that the company has lost a lot of money this year.
    The company ________________ a lot of money this year.
  1. It’s been five years since I last saw Peter.
  2. We didn’t go out due to the heavy rain.
  3. Jane stayed up late to finish her essay in spite of feeling tired.
  4. He had no intention of upsetting you.
  5. It was such an interesting book that I couldn’t put it down.
  6. The company is thought to have lost a lot of money this year.

Part 5: Multiple Choice

What to Expect:

  • A long text followed by 6 multiple-choice questions.


  1. Skim the text first to get the main idea.
  2. Read the questions carefully before looking for answers.
  3. Locate the relevant part of the text for each question.
  4. Eliminate wrong answers to improve your chances of choosing correctly.


Instructions: Read the text and answer the questions.

Practice Article: The Rise of Remote Work


Remote work, once a rare privilege for a select few, has now become a widespread phenomenon. With advancements in technology and changes in workplace culture, more and more companies are offering remote work opportunities to their employees. This shift has significant implications for both workers and employers.


For employees, remote work provides greater flexibility and can lead to an improved work-life balance. Without the need to commute, workers save time and money, which can be redirected towards personal pursuits and family time. Additionally, remote work can reduce stress levels, as employees have more control over their work environment and can create a setting that suits their needs best.


Employers, too, benefit from offering remote work options. Companies can save on overhead costs such as office space and utilities. Moreover, remote work allows businesses to tap into a wider talent pool. By removing geographical barriers, companies can hire the best candidates from around the world, enhancing the diversity and expertise of their teams.


However, remote work is not without its challenges. For some employees, the lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from their colleagues. Communication can also be more difficult, as remote workers may miss out on the spontaneous conversations and quick clarifications that happen naturally in an office setting.


Employers must also navigate the complexities of managing remote teams. Ensuring that all employees are productive and engaged, despite being physically dispersed, requires new strategies and tools. Companies must invest in robust communication platforms and establish clear guidelines to maintain team cohesion and collaboration.


Despite these challenges, the trend towards remote work shows no signs of slowing down. As technology continues to evolve and workplace expectations shift, it is likely that remote work will become an even more integral part of the modern employment landscape.



  1. What is one benefit of remote work for employees mentioned in the article?
    • A) Increased salaries
    • B) Greater flexibility
    • C) Free office supplies
    • D) More vacation time
  2. Why can remote work be advantageous for employers?
    • A) It eliminates the need for technology.
    • B) It reduces office space and utility costs.
    • C) It ensures face-to-face interaction.
    • D) It simplifies team management.
  3. What challenge is associated with remote work for employees?
    • A) Lack of technology
    • B) Increased commute time
    • C) Feelings of isolation
    • D) Higher stress levels
  4. How can companies maintain team cohesion among remote workers?
    • A) By reducing communication
    • B) By increasing commute times
    • C) By investing in communication platforms
    • D) By eliminating guidelines
  5. What is the future outlook for remote work according to the article?
    • A) It will become less popular.
    • B) It will disappear entirely.
    • C) It will continue to grow.
    • D) It will be limited to certain industries.

Answers to Practice Questions

  1. B) Greater flexibility
  2. B) It reduces office space and utility costs.
  3. C) Feelings of isolation
  4. C) By investing in communication platforms
  5. C) It will continue to grow.

Part 6: Gapped Text

What to Expect:

  • A text with 6 gaps and 7 sentences. You need to match each gap with the correct sentence.

Tips for Tackling the Gapped Text Task

  1. Read the Entire Text First: Get a general idea of the text before focusing on the gaps.
  2. Look for Clues: Pay attention to the context before and after each gap to understand what kind of information is missing.
  3. Identify Keywords: Highlight or underline keywords in the sentences and the text to help find logical connections.
  4. Use Process of Elimination: If you’re unsure about a sentence, eliminate the ones that clearly do not fit.
  5. Check Grammar and Flow: Ensure that the sentence you choose fits grammatically and maintains the flow of the text.
  6. Stay Calm and Focused: Don’t rush. Take your time to carefully consider each option.


You are going to read an article about a unique community initiative. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-G) the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.


Article: The Power of Community Gardens

Community gardens have been sprouting up in urban areas around the world, transforming unused spaces into green oases. These gardens provide a multitude of benefits for local residents, both socially and environmentally.


(1) ________. Instead of being isolated in their homes, people come together to plant, tend, and harvest crops. This collective effort fosters a sense of community and cooperation that extends beyond the garden.


In addition to building social ties, community gardens offer educational opportunities. (2) ________. These programs help people develop new skills and a deeper understanding of sustainable living practices.


The environmental benefits of community gardens are also significant. By converting vacant lots into green spaces, these gardens help to reduce urban heat islands. (3) ________. Moreover, the gardens can support biodiversity by providing habitats for various plants, insects, and birds.


Food security is another critical advantage of community gardens. (4) ________. This access to fresh produce is especially important in areas that are considered food deserts, where residents have limited options for buying healthy food.


(5) ________. Regular physical activity, combined with the mental health benefits of spending time outdoors, contributes to an overall healthier lifestyle for participants.


Finally, community gardens can have a positive economic impact. They often increase the value of nearby properties and can even reduce crime rates. (6) ________. This combination of social, environmental, and economic benefits makes community gardens an invaluable asset to any neighborhood.



  1. Gardening is a physical activity that helps individuals stay fit and active.
  2. They provide residents with the opportunity to grow their own fruits and vegetables.
  3. This initiative encourages residents to work together and build stronger connections.
  4. Workshops and classes are often held to teach participants about gardening techniques and environmental stewardship.
  5. Some community gardens even have spaces for recreational activities and social gatherings.
  6. Plants help to cool the air and improve air quality, making the urban environment more livable.
  7. People feel safer and more connected, which enhances the overall quality of life in the area.
  1. C. This initiative encourages residents to work together and build stronger connections.
  2. D. Workshops and classes are often held to teach participants about gardening techniques and environmental stewardship.
  3. F. Plants help to cool the air and improve air quality, making the urban environment more livable.
  4. B. They provide residents with the opportunity to grow their own fruits and vegetables.
  5. A. Gardening is a physical activity that helps individuals stay fit and active.
  6. G. People feel safer and more connected, which enhances the overall quality of life in the area.

Part 7: Multiple Matching

What to Expect:

  • A text or several short texts followed by 10 questions. You need to match each question to the correct part of the text.

Tips for Tackling the Multiple Matching Task

  1. Read the Questions First:
    • Before reading the text, read through the questions to understand what specific information you need to look for.
  2. Highlight Keywords:
    • As you read the text, highlight or underline keywords and phrases that relate to the questions.
  3. Match Keywords:
    • Match the keywords from the questions to the information in the text. This will help you quickly locate the relevant sections.
  4. Look for Synonyms:
    • The questions might use different words or phrases from those in the text. Be aware of synonyms and paraphrased information.
  5. Check All Options:
    • Ensure that you consider all possible answers before making a final decision, as some questions might have similar information.
  6. Stay Organized:
    • Keep track of which person matches each question. You can use a table or list to stay organized and ensure you don’t repeat answers incorrectly.



You are going to read an article about four different people talking about their experiences with volunteering. For questions 1-10, choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once.


Article: Experiences with Volunteering


Person A: Emma

I started volunteering at a local animal shelter last year. Initially, I was a bit nervous because I had never worked with animals before, but the staff was very supportive and helped me learn the ropes. The experience has been incredibly rewarding, not just because I love animals, but also because I’ve met so many wonderful people who share my passion. Volunteering here has taught me a lot about responsibility and teamwork, and it has also given me a greater appreciation for the work that goes into caring for abandoned pets.


Person B: Michael

Volunteering at a soup kitchen has been a life-changing experience for me. I began doing it as a way to give back to my community, but it has turned into something much more meaningful. Seeing the direct impact of our work on people’s lives is truly humbling. I’ve developed new skills in the kitchen and have become more aware of the issues facing those less fortunate. The sense of community among the volunteers is incredible, and I’ve made lifelong friends. It’s amazing to see what a group of dedicated individuals can achieve together.


Person C: Lisa

I volunteer as a tutor for children from low-income families. Education has always been a passion of mine, and this role allows me to share that passion with others. Working with the kids is incredibly fulfilling; their enthusiasm and curiosity are contagious. I’ve seen significant improvements in their reading and math skills, and knowing that I’ve played a part in their progress is very satisfying. Volunteering has also taught me patience and has improved my communication skills. It’s wonderful to see the children gain confidence and to be a part of their educational journey.


Person D: Sarah

My volunteer work involves organizing community events and activities. I love planning and bringing people together, so this role is a perfect fit for me. We’ve organized everything from neighborhood clean-ups to holiday parties. These events help to strengthen our community and bring joy to many people. Through this work, I’ve developed strong organizational and leadership skills. It’s also been a great way to meet new people and build connections within the community. I feel proud to be able to contribute to making our neighborhood a better place to live.



Which person:

  1. Mentioned learning new skills relevant to their volunteer role?
  2. Feels their volunteering has improved their interpersonal skills?
  3. Started volunteering due to a love for a particular activity or interest?
  4. Has seen a direct impact of their work on the lives of others?
  5. Works in a setting that involves animals?
  6. Organizes events for their community?
  7. Enjoys sharing their passion for education with others?
  8. Talks about the joy of meeting people with similar interests?
  9. Works with individuals who face financial difficulties?
  10. Mentioned that their role has enhanced their sense of responsibility?
  1. B) Michael
  2. C) Lisa
  3. C) Lisa
  4. B) Michael
  5. A) Emma
  6. D) Sarah
  7. C) Lisa
  8. A) Emma
  9. B) Michael
  10. A) Emma

General Strategies

  1. Time Management: Practice completing sections within the time limit.
  2. Regular Practice: Consistency is key. Use past papers and sample tests.
  3. Expand Vocabulary: Read widely and note down new words.
  4. Stay Calm: Keep a clear mind during the exam to avoid careless mistakes.

Extra Resources

  • Online Practice Tests: Cambridge English offers sample papers and practice tests.
  • Vocabulary Apps: Use apps like Quizlet to build and review vocabulary.
  • Reading Material: Read English newspapers, magazines, and books to improve comprehension skills.