B2-Level: Unit 1 Everyday Conversation

B2-Level Lesson: Unit 1 – Everyday Conversations

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to engage in everyday conversations, express opinions and ideas, use common expressions, idiomatic phrases, and conversational language, comprehend short stories, dialogues, and articles about daily life, listen to conversations, podcasts, and interviews on everyday topics, and write emails, messages, and diary entries about daily activities.


Materials Needed:

  1. Short stories, dialogues, and articles about daily life
  2. Audio recordings of conversations, podcasts, and interviews
  3. Writing materials for students
  4. Visual aids or props for vocabulary reinforcement

Duration: 90 minutes


Warm-Up (10 minutes): Begin the lesson with a discussion about daily routines and activities. Ask students to share what they typically do during a typical day, including morning routines, work or school activities, leisure time, and evening activities.


Speaking Practice (20 minutes):

  1. Pair up students and provide them with conversation prompts related to daily activities and routines. Encourage them to take turns asking and answering questions, expressing opinions, and sharing experiences.
  2. Rotate pairs and repeat the activity with different conversation prompts to ensure all students have ample speaking practice.

Vocabulary Expansion (15 minutes):

  1. Introduce common expressions, idiomatic phrases, and conversational language related to everyday conversations. Use visual aids or props to reinforce vocabulary learning.
  2. Practice pronunciation and usage of the new vocabulary through repetition and interactive exercises.

Reading Comprehension (20 minutes):

  1. Distribute short stories, dialogues, articles about daily life, or ask them to read short texts about everyday conversations.
  2. Have students read the texts individually or in pairs, focusing on comprehension and identifying key information.
  3. Lead a class discussion about the texts, asking students to share their thoughts, reactions, and any new vocabulary they encountered.

Listening Activity (15 minutes):

  1. Play audio recordings of conversations, podcasts, or interviews on everyday topics.
  2. Have students listen actively and take notes on important points, new vocabulary, and interesting ideas.
  3. Discuss the audio content as a class, focusing on comprehension and personal reactions to the material.

Writing Practice (10 minutes):

  1. Assign students to write an email or message to a friend or family member about their day, describing their activities, thoughts, and feelings.
  2. Alternatively, ask students to practice their writing skills by imagining and describing a scenario involving an everyday conversation, inspired by the texts from the reading assignment.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes): Conclude the lesson by reviewing key vocabulary and phrases learned during the lesson. Encourage students to continue practicing their speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills outside of the classroom by engaging in everyday conversations and activities in English.


Homework: Assign students to listen to a podcast episode or interview related to daily life and write a short summary or reflection on the content. Encourage them to focus on comprehension and vocabulary acquisition.


Assessment: Assess students’ speaking skills through observation of their participation in speaking activities, their ability to express opinions and ideas clearly, and their use of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Evaluate their reading comprehension by reviewing their responses to comprehension questions and their ability to discuss the texts. Monitor their listening comprehension through their notes and participation in the listening activity. Assess their writing skills based on the clarity, coherence, and accuracy of their written communication in emails, messages, or diary entries. Provide feedback to help students improve their language skills and achieve their learning objectives.