B1-Level: Unit 6 Technology and Communication


By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Discuss different communication methods and their preferences.
  • Use key vocabulary related to electronic devices and communication tools.
  • Understand and analyze articles about social media and technology.
  • Engage in conversations about staying connected and online habits.
  • Write a clear description of their favorite app or social media platform, highlighting its features and benefits.


180 minutes  (divided into four 45-minute sessions).

Materials Needed:

  • Visuals of electronic devices and communication tools.
  • Sample articles about social media and technology.
  • Audio recordings of conversations about communication habits.
  • Writing materials for students.
  • Digital tools (optional: slides, online polls, collaborative whiteboards).

Session 1: Vocabulary & Speaking – Exploring Communication Methods (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes)
      • Task: Ask students, “How do you usually communicate with your friends and family? Online or offline? What apps or tools do you use most often?”
      • Interaction: Pair-share, then brief class discussion.
  1. Vocabulary Focus (15 minutes)
      • Introduce key vocabulary: smartphone, tablet, email, video call, instant messaging, social media, app, Wi-Fi, emojis, notifications.
      • Use visuals and context sentences.
      • Task: Students match words with visuals and create example sentences.
  1. Speaking Practice (15 minutes)
      • Task: Pair students to discuss their preferred communication methods. “Which apps or platforms do you use most? Why?”
      • Encourage follow-up questions.
      • Extension: Students share one interesting fact from their discussion with the class.
  1. Writing Task (10 minutes)
      • Task: Students list their top three communication tools and write one sentence each explaining why they like them.
      • Provide sentence starters: “I use ___ because…”

Session 2: Reading, Listening & Discussion – Technology’s Role in Communication (45 minutes)

  1. Reading Activity (15 minutes)
      • Task: Provide a short, accessible article about social media or technology trends.
      • Students read individually and highlight three key points.
      • Follow-Up: Ask comprehension questions: “What are the benefits of using social media? Are there any drawbacks mentioned in the article?”
  1. Listening Activity (15 minutes)
      • Task: Play an audio clip of two people discussing communication challenges (e.g., long-distance friendships, screen time).
      • Students take notes on: What challenges are mentioned? How do they overcome them?
  1. Class Discussion (15 minutes)
      • Task: Facilitate a group discussion:
        • “Do you agree with the article and audio clip? What are the benefits and challenges of using technology to stay connected?”
      • Encourage students to share personal experiences.

Session 3: Speaking & Vocabulary – Favorite Apps and Platforms (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes)
      • Task: Quick survey: “What is your favorite app or social media platform, and why?”
      • Students write their answers on sticky notes or an online board.
  1. Speaking Practice (20 minutes)
      • Task: Small group discussions: “What features do you like most about your favorite app? How often do you use it? How does it help you stay connected?”
      • Follow-Up: Each group shares their most interesting app with the class.
  1. Vocabulary Review (10 minutes)
      • Task: Quick vocabulary quiz or game (e.g., matching definitions, ‘Who Am I?’ with app descriptions).
  1. Writing Task (10 minutes)
      • Task: Students write a short paragraph about their favorite app, describing:
        • Its main features.
        • How they use it.
        • Why they like it.
      • Sentence Starter Example: “My favorite app is ___. I use it to ___. My favorite feature is ___ because ___.”

Session 4: Writing & Reflection – Describing Your Favorite App (45 minutes)

  1. Writing Task (20 minutes)
      • Task: Students expand their previous writing about their favorite app, adding more details and examples.
      • Encourage them to use descriptive adjectives and specific features.
  1. Peer Review (15 minutes)
      • Task: Students exchange their written paragraphs with a partner.
      • Provide a checklist for peer review:
        • Is the description clear?
        • Are there enough details?
        • Is the vocabulary appropriate?
  1. Review and Reflection (10 minutes)
      • Task: Wrap up with a class discussion:
        • “What did you learn about communication and technology this unit?”
        • “How have your opinions about social media or apps changed?”
      • Review key vocabulary and highlight strong examples from student writing.

Homework Assignment:

  • Task: Research a new app or social media platform and write a short review.
    • What are its main features?
    • How easy is it to use?
    • What are its benefits or drawbacks?
  • Students can present their reviews in the next session.



  • Informal observation during speaking activities.
  • Class participation in discussions.
  • Written assignments (paragraphs and homework reviews).