Unit 4: Travel and Culture


By the end of this unit, students will:

  • Discuss past travel experiences, future plans, and dream vacations confidently.
  • Use vocabulary related to transportation, destinations, and travel arrangements effectively.
  • Understand travel brochures and simple travel stories.
  • Engage in meaningful conversations about travel preferences and arrangements.
  • Plan and write about a detailed dream vacation itinerary.


180 minutes, divided into four 45-minute sessions.

Materials Needed:

  1. Pictures or visuals of transportation modes and tourist destinations.
  2. Sample travel brochures, itineraries, and simple travel stories.
  3. Audio recordings of travel-related dialogues.
  4. Travel-related graphic organizers (e.g., itinerary templates).

Exploring Travel Experiences

Session 1: Vocabulary and Speaking Practice (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • Start with a whole-class discussion about memorable travel experiences.
    • Prompt students with questions like:
      • “Where did you go?”
      • “What did you enjoy most about the trip?”
      • “Would you go back there?”
  2. Teaching Vocabulary (15 minutes):
    • Introduce key vocabulary with visuals:
      • Modes of transportation (e.g., “by plane,” “by train,” “by ferry”).
      • Tourist destinations (e.g., “mountains,” “beach,” “historical landmarks”).
      • Common travel phrases (e.g., “book a ticket,” “make a reservation”).
    • Practice pronunciation, provide examples in context, and highlight collocations (e.g., “catch a flight,” “explore a city”).
  3. Speaking Practice (15 minutes):
    • Pair students to discuss past travel experiences or future travel plans.
    • Encourage use of new vocabulary with sentence starters like:
      • “I traveled to __ by __, and I loved __.”
      • “I’d like to visit __ because __.”
  4. Writing Task (10 minutes):
    • Students write a short description of their dream travel destination and three reasons why they want to visit.
    • Provide prompts such as:
      • “My dream destination is __.”
      • “I want to go there because __.”

Session 2: Reading and Listening (45 minutes)

  1. Reading Activity (15 minutes):
    • Distribute travel brochures or short travel stories.
    • Assign tasks such as:
      • Underlining key information (e.g., destinations, activities).
      • Completing a graphic organizer about what the traveler did, saw, or experienced.
  2. Listening Exercise (15 minutes):
    • Play an audio dialogue about travel arrangements (e.g., booking a trip, discussing itineraries).
    • Students note details such as:
      • Destination.
      • Activities planned.
      • Mode of transportation.
  3. Discussion (15 minutes):
    • Facilitate a class discussion comparing destinations and travel styles from the reading and listening materials.
    • Questions to prompt discussion:
      • “Which place sounded the most exciting?”
      • “Which activity would you like to try?”

Planning a Dream Vacation

Session 3: Speaking Practice and Vocabulary Review (45 minutes)

  1. Speaking Practice (20 minutes):
    • In small groups, students discuss their dream vacation plans, including:
      • Where they would go.
      • How they would travel.
      • Activities they would do.
    • Encourage asking follow-up questions like:
      • “Why did you choose this destination?”
      • “What’s the first thing you would do there?”
  2. Vocabulary Review (15 minutes):
    • Play a quick quiz or game (e.g., Pictionary or matching) to review travel-related vocabulary.
    • Include challenging words or phrases for reinforcement.
  3. Writing Task (10 minutes):
    • Students begin planning a detailed dream vacation itinerary.
    • Provide a structured template with sections for transportation, accommodation, activities, and food

Session 4: Writing Task and Review (45 minutes)

  1. Writing Task (20 minutes):
    • Students write a descriptive essay about their dream vacation, including:
      • Destination details.
      • Reasons for choosing it.
      • Specific plans for transportation, accommodation, and activities.
    • Encourage the use of descriptive language and travel-related vocabulary.
  2. Peer Review (15 minutes):
    • Exchange essays for peer feedback using a checklist to assess:
      • Vocabulary use.
      • Clarity and coherence.
      • Creativity and level of detail.
  3. Review and Reflection (10 minutes):
    • Wrap up the unit with a reflection:
      • “What did you enjoy most about planning your dream vacation?”
      • “Which new destination would you like to visit after learning about your classmates’ ideas?”
    • Review the key vocabulary and phrases from the unit.


  1. Research Task: Choose a real destination and write a travel report including:
    • Key attractions.
    • Recommended activities.
    • Transportation and accommodation options.
  2. Listening Practice: Watch a travel vlog in English and summarize what the vlogger experienced.


  • Speaking: Evaluate fluency, vocabulary usage, and participation in discussions.
  • Listening and Reading: Assess comprehension using targeted questions and activities.
  • Writing: Review clarity, coherence, and use of descriptive language in written tasks.