B1-Level: Unit 4 Travel and Culture

B1-Level: Unit 4 Travel and Culture

Objective: By the end of this unit, students will be able to talk about travel experiences and plans, use vocabulary related to modes of transportation and places to visit, comprehend travel brochures and simple travel stories, engage in conversations about travel arrangements and experiences, and plan a dream vacation and write about it.


Materials Needed:

  1. Pictures or visuals of various modes of transportation and tourist destinations
  2. Sample travel brochures and simple travel stories
  3. Audio recordings of conversations about travel arrangements and experiences
  4. Writing materials for students

Duration: 90 minutes per week (divided into two 45-minute sessions)


Exploring Travel Experiences

Session 1: Vocabulary and Speaking Practice (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • Begin with a discussion about memorable travel experiences, asking students to share where they have been and what they enjoyed about their trips.
  2. Teaching Vocabulary (15 minutes):
    • Introduce vocabulary related to modes of transportation and places to visit using pictures or visuals.
    • Practice pronunciation and review the meanings of the words.
  3. Speaking Practice (15 minutes):
    • Pair up students and have them talk about their past travel experiences or future travel plans.
    • Encourage students to use the newly learned vocabulary and share details about their destinations.
  4. Writing Task (10 minutes):

Session 2: Reading and Listening (45 minutes)

  1. Reading Activity (15 minutes):
    • Distribute travel brochures and simple travel stories.
    • Have students read the materials individually and identify key information about the destinations and experiences described.
  2. Listening Exercise (15 minutes):
    • Play audio recordings of conversations about travel arrangements and experiences.
    • Have students listen and note down important details such as destinations, transportation options, and activities.
  3. Discussion (15 minutes):
    • Lead a class discussion based on the reading and listening activities, asking students to share their thoughts on the destinations mentioned and any similarities or differences in their travel preferences.

Extra: Planning a Dream Vacation

Session 1: Speaking Practice and Vocabulary Review (45 minutes)

  1. Speaking Practice (20 minutes):
    • Divide students into small groups and have them discuss their dream vacation destinations and why they want to visit them.
    • Encourage students to brainstorm ideas for activities and attractions they would like to experience.
  2. Vocabulary Review (15 minutes):
    • Review the vocabulary related to modes of transportation and places to visit covered in the previous session.
    • Conduct a quick quiz or game to reinforce vocabulary retention.
  3. Writing Task (10 minutes):
    • Ask students to plan a dream vacation itinerary, including transportation options, accommodation, and activities.
    • Encourage them to be creative and include specific details about their plans.

Session 2: Writing Task and Review (45 minutes)

  1. Writing Task (20 minutes):
    • Assign students to write a detailed description of their dream vacation, explaining why they chose the destination, what activities they plan to do, and how they will travel there.
    • Encourage them to use descriptive language and provide reasons for their choices.
  2. Peer Review (15 minutes):
    • Have students exchange their written descriptions with a partner for peer review.
    • Encourage constructive feedback on clarity, coherence, and descriptive language.
  3. Review and Reflection (10 minutes):
    • Wrap up the unit by reviewing key vocabulary, phrases, and concepts covered in the past two weeks.
    • Encourage students to reflect on their dream vacation plans and share any insights or new ideas they gained during the unit.

Homework: Assign students to research a real travel destination they are interested in and write a short report about it, including information about attractions, transportation options, and accommodations.


Assessment: Assess students’ participation in speaking activities, their ability to comprehend and produce vocabulary related to travel and tourism, their understanding of travel brochures and stories, and the detail and creativity of their written descriptions of their dream vacations. Use informal assessments such as observation, class discussions, and written assignments to gauge student progress.

Extra Project: Vacation Destination Presentation