B1 Level: Review and Reflection


By the end of this unit, students will:

  • Reflect on their progress and achievements in learning English.
  • Review and consolidate previously learned vocabulary, texts, and audio materials.
  • Write an insightful reflection on their English learning journey, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and future goals.


180 minutes, divided into four 45-minute sessions.

Materials Needed:

  1. Vocabulary lists and flashcards from earlier units.
  2. Texts or excerpts (e.g., reading passages) from previous lessons.
  3. Audio recordings or dialogues from earlier lessons with transcripts.
  4. Writing templates or reflection prompts.

Reflecting on Progress

Session 1: Speaking and Vocabulary Review (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • Start with an open discussion:
      • “What have you enjoyed most about this course?”
      • “What are you most proud of learning?”
      • “What has been your biggest challenge?”
    • Encourage positive feedback and sharing.
  2. Speaking Practice (15 minutes):
    • In pairs or small groups, students share their proudest achievements in learning English.
    • Use prompts like:
      • “One skill I improved a lot is __.”
      • “I’m proud that I can now __.”
    • Encourage them to give examples (e.g., “I gave a presentation,” “I understood a movie without subtitles”).
  3. Vocabulary Review (15 minutes):
    • Display vocabulary lists from earlier units.
    • Play a quick game (e.g., Taboo or Bingo) to review key words.
    • Challenge students to use the vocabulary in sentences or short dialogues.
  4. Writing Task (10 minutes):
    • Students write down 5–10 words they still find challenging and create their own sentences with them.
    • Suggest they make flashcards or use a vocabulary app to review.

Session 2: Reading and Listening (45 minutes)

  1. Reading Activity (15 minutes):
    • Provide students with short texts from earlier units.
    • Ask them to:
      • Summarize the main ideas.
      • Highlight any new connections or improvements they notice in understanding the texts.
  2. Listening Exercise (15 minutes):
    • Play audio recordings from earlier lessons.
    • Students listen and compare their comprehension with their first attempt (if possible).
    • Use transcripts for detailed review, focusing on new words or phrases they now understand.
  3. Discussion (15 minutes):
    • Lead a group discussion about memorable learning moments:
      • “What text or topic did you find most interesting?”
      • “Was there a recording or dialogue that challenged you but helped you grow?”

Writing a Reflection

Session 3: Writing Task (45 minutes)

  1. Writing Activity (40 minutes):
    • Assign students to write a detailed reflection on their English learning journey.
    • Provide prompts such as:
      • “What have you improved the most this semester?”
      • “What was your biggest challenge, and how did you overcome it?”
      • “What are your goals for the next semester?”
    • Encourage them to use specific examples and descriptive language.
  2. Peer Review (5 minutes):
    • Students exchange reflections with a partner for peer feedback.
    • Provide a checklist:
      • Is the reflection clear and well-organized?
      • Are examples specific and relevant?
      • Are strengths, weaknesses, and goals addressed?

Session 4: Review and Wrap-Up (45 minutes)

  1. Review and Editing (30 minutes):
    • Allow time for students to revise their reflections based on feedback.
    • Offer individual assistance or suggestions for improvement.
  2. Sharing and Reflection (15 minutes):
    • Invite a few students to share excerpts from their reflections.
    • Discuss:
      • “Why is reflection important in learning?”
      • “What will you do differently next semester?”
    • Highlight the value of setting clear, achievable language goals.


  1. Write a short essay or create a presentation about a specific goal for the next semester, detailing how they plan to achieve it.
  2. Choose a favorite English text, audio, or video and analyze how much they understand compared to earlier in the course.


  1. Speaking: Evaluate participation and fluency during discussions.
  2. Vocabulary: Observe recall and application of previously learned terms.
  3. Writing: Assess the depth, clarity, and organization of students’ reflections.
  4. Listening/Reading: Check comprehension through responses to texts and recordings.