99 A2-Level Vocabulary Words English Learners Must Know

  1. Above
    Definition: At a higher level or layer than.
    Example Sentence: The airplane flew above the clouds.
  2. Accident
    Definition: An unexpected event that results in harm or damage.
    Example Sentence: She had a minor accident on her way to school.
  3. Across
    Definition: From one side to the other.
    Example Sentence: They walked across the street.
  4. Activity
    Definition: Something that you do, especially for enjoyment.
    Example Sentence: The children enjoyed the outdoor activity at the park.
  5. Address
    Definition: The details of where someone lives or works.
    Example Sentence: Please write your address on the form.
  6. Afraid
    Definition: Feeling fear or worry.
    Example Sentence: She is afraid of spiders.
  7. Afternoon
    Definition: The period of time between noon and evening.
    Example Sentence: Let’s meet in the afternoon.
  8. Allow
    Definition: To let someone do something.
    Example Sentence: Her parents allow her to stay out until 10 PM.
  9. Almost
    Definition: Not quite; very nearly.
    Example Sentence: She is almost finished with her homework.
  10. Among
    Definition: In the middle of or surrounded by other things.
    Example Sentence: She found the letter among the papers.
  11. Answer
    Definition: A response to a question.
    Example Sentence: He gave the correct answer.
  12. Arrive
    Definition: To reach a place.
    Example Sentence: They will arrive at the airport at 6 PM.
  13. Beautiful
    Definition: Very attractive or pleasing to look at.
    Example Sentence: The flowers in the garden are beautiful.
  14. Bedroom
    Definition: A room used for sleeping in.
    Example Sentence: Her bedroom is very cozy.
  15. Boring
    Definition: Not interesting or exciting.
    Example Sentence: The movie was boring, so we left early.
  16. Borrow
    Definition: To take and use something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it.
    Example Sentence: Can I borrow a pen from you?
  17. Bridge
    Definition: A structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river, ravine, etc.
    Example Sentence: They walked across the bridge.
  18. Care
    Definition: To look after and provide for the needs of someone or something.
    Example Sentence: She takes care of her younger brother.
  19. Careful
    Definition: Paying attention to avoid mistakes or accidents.
    Example Sentence: Be careful when you cross the street.
  20. Change
    Definition: To make or become different.
    Example Sentence: You need to change your clothes after the game.
  21. Cheap
    Definition: Low in price.
    Example Sentence: The shoes were cheap but comfortable.
  22. Climb
    Definition: To go up something, such as a tree, mountain, or ladder.
    Example Sentence: They decided to climb the mountain.
  23. Collect
    Definition: To gather things together.
    Example Sentence: He likes to collect stamps from different countries.
  24. Dangerous
    Definition: Likely to cause harm or injury.
    Example Sentence: It is dangerous to swim in the river when the current is strong.
  25. Decide
    Definition: To make a choice.
    Example Sentence: They will decide where to go for vacation tomorrow.
  26. Delicious
    Definition: Tasting very good.
    Example Sentence: The cake she made was delicious.
  27. Different
    Definition: Not the same.
    Example Sentence: These two paintings look different.
  28. Dinner
    Definition: The main meal of the day, eaten in the evening.
    Example Sentence: They are having pasta for dinner.
  29. During
    Definition: Throughout the course or duration of (a period of time).
    Example Sentence: Please do not talk during the movie.
  30. Early
    Definition: Before the usual or expected time.
    Example Sentence: She arrived at the meeting early.
  31. Enjoy
    Definition: To take pleasure in something.
    Example Sentence: He enjoys playing the guitar.
  32. Enough
    Definition: As much or as many as required.
    Example Sentence: There is enough food for everyone at the party.
  33. Enough
    Definition: As much or as many as required.
    Example Sentence: There is enough water for everyone.
  34. Excited
    Definition: Very happy and enthusiastic.
    Example Sentence: He was excited about his upcoming birthday party.
  35. Explain
    Definition: To make something clear or easy to understand.
    Example Sentence: Can you explain this math problem to me?
  36. Famous
    Definition: Known about by many people.
    Example Sentence: She is a famous singer in her country.
  37. Favorite
    Definition: Liked more than any other.
    Example Sentence: Her favorite color is blue.
  38. Few
    Definition: A small number of.
    Example Sentence: Only a few students attended the lecture.
  39. Forget
    Definition: To fail to remember something.
    Example Sentence: Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.
  40. Friendly
    Definition: Kind and pleasant to others.
    Example Sentence: The new student is very friendly and made many friends quickly.
  41. Garage
    Definition: A building or shed for housing a car.
    Example Sentence: He keeps his tools in the garage.
  42. Garden
    Definition: An area of ground where plants are grown.
    Example Sentence: They have a small garden behind their house.
  43. Gift
    Definition: Something given willingly to someone without payment.
    Example Sentence: She received a beautiful gift on her birthday.
  44. Guess
    Definition: To give an answer without being sure.
    Example Sentence: Can you guess how many candies are in the jar?
  45. Happy
    Definition: Feeling pleasure and contentment.
    Example Sentence: They were happy to hear the good news.
  46. Healthy
    Definition: Being in good physical or mental condition.
    Example Sentence: Eating vegetables is good for staying healthy.
  47. Hobby
    Definition: An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.
    Example Sentence: Her favorite hobby is painting.
  48. Hungry
    Definition: Feeling the need to eat food.
    Example Sentence: He is very hungry after playing football all afternoon.
  49. Idea
    Definition: A thought or suggestion about a possible course of action.
    Example Sentence: She has a great idea for the school project.
  50. Important
    Definition: Having great significance or value.
    Example Sentence: It is important to drink water every day.
  51. Invite
    Definition: To ask someone to come to a social event.
    Example Sentence: She will invite all her friends to the party.
  52. Join
    Definition: To become a member of a group or organization.
    Example Sentence: He decided to join the soccer team.
  53. Journey
    Definition: The act of traveling from one place to another.
    Example Sentence: Their journey to the mountains was long but enjoyable.
  54. Journey
    Definition: Traveling from one place to another.
    Example Sentence: Their journey by train was very relaxing.
  55. Keep
    Definition: To retain possession of something.
    Example Sentence: You can keep the book for another week.
  56. Kind
    Definition: Being friendly, generous, and considerate.
    Example Sentence: She is always kind to her classmates.
  57. Knowledge
    Definition: Information and skills acquired through experience or education.
    Example Sentence: He has a lot of knowledge about history.
  58. Learn
    Definition: To acquire knowledge or skills.
    Example Sentence: She wants to learn how to play the piano.
  59. Library
    Definition: A place where books and other materials are available for people to use or borrow.
    Example Sentence: She goes to the library to study every weekend.
  60. Listen
    Definition: To pay attention to sound.
    Example Sentence: You should listen carefully to the instructions.
  61. Market
    Definition: A place where people buy and sell goods.
    Example Sentence: We buy fresh vegetables from the local market.
  62. Message
    Definition: A piece of information sent from one person to another.
    Example Sentence: She left a message on his phone.
  63. Minute
    Definition: A period of time equal to sixty seconds.
    Example Sentence: The bus will arrive in five minutes.
  64. Need
    Definition: To require something because it is essential.
    Example Sentence: You need a pencil to write the exam.
  65. Neighbor
    Definition: Someone who lives near you.
    Example Sentence: Our neighbor is very friendly and often helps us.
  66. Nervous
    Definition: Feeling worried or anxious.
    Example Sentence: He felt nervous before giving his speech.
  67. Offer
    Definition: To present something for someone to accept or reject.
    Example Sentence: They offered him a job.
  68. Opinion
    Definition: What you think or believe about something.
    Example Sentence: In her opinion, summer is the best season.
  69. Pay
    Definition: To give money for something.
    Example Sentence: She needs to pay the rent tomorrow.
  70. Plan
    Definition: A detailed proposal for doing something.
    Example Sentence: They made a plan to go hiking on the weekend.
  71. Popular
    Definition: Liked or admired by many people.
    Example Sentence: Soccer is a popular sport around the world.
  72. Prepare
    Definition: To make something ready for use or consideration.
    Example Sentence: She will prepare dinner tonight.
  73. Quickly
    Definition: At a fast speed.
    Example Sentence: He ran quickly to catch the bus.
  74. Quiet
    Definition: Making little or no noise.
    Example Sentence: The library is a quiet place to study.
  75. Receive
    Definition: To be given something.
    Example Sentence: She received a letter from her friend.
  76. Relax
    Definition: To rest and reduce stress.
    Example Sentence: They like to relax on the beach.
  77. Remember
    Definition: To keep information in your mind.
    Example Sentence: Please remember to bring your homework tomorrow.
  78. Restaurant
    Definition: A place where meals are prepared and served to customers.
    Example Sentence: They had dinner at a new restaurant in town.
  79. Safe
    Definition: Free from danger.
    Example Sentence: The children felt safe in their home.
  80. Schedule
    Definition: A plan of activities or events and when they will happen.
    Example Sentence: Her schedule is very busy this week.
  81. Simple
    Definition: Easily understood or done; not complicated.
    Example Sentence: The instructions were simple to follow.
  82. Spend
    Definition: To use money to buy things.
    Example Sentence: She likes to spend her weekends reading.
  83. Study
    Definition: To learn about a subject, usually at school or university.
    Example Sentence: He needs to study for his exams.
  84. Surprise
    Definition: Something unexpected.
    Example Sentence: They threw a surprise party for her birthday.
  85. Surprised
    Definition: Feeling or showing surprise.
    Example Sentence: She was surprised to see her old friend at the party.
  86. Talk
    Definition: To speak in order to give information or express ideas.
    Example Sentence: They like to talk about movies.
  87. Throw
    Definition: To send something through the air with force, especially by a sudden movement of the arm.
    Example Sentence: He can throw the ball very far.
  88. Travel
    Definition: To go from one place to another.
    Example Sentence: They plan to travel to Italy next summer.
  89. Understand
    Definition: To grasp the meaning of something.
    Example Sentence: Do you understand this question?
  90. Useful
    Definition: Able to be used for a practical purpose.
    Example Sentence: This tool is very useful for fixing bikes.
  91. Usually
    Definition: Most of the time; normally.
    Example Sentence: He usually wakes up early in the morning.
  92. Visit
    Definition: To go to see someone or spend time in a place.
    Example Sentence: They plan to visit their grandparents next week.
  93. Wait
    Definition: To stay where one is or delay action until a particular time.
    Example Sentence: Please wait here until the doctor is ready.
  94. Wash
    Definition: To clean with water and usually soap.
    Example Sentence: She needs to wash her clothes.
  95. Wear
    Definition: To have clothing, jewelry, etc., on your body.
    Example Sentence: He likes to wear jeans and a t-shirt.
  96. Worry
    Definition: To feel anxious or concerned about something.
    Example Sentence: Don’t worry about the test; you’ll do fine.
  97. Yard
    Definition: The grassy area right outside a house.
    Example Sentence: The kids like to play in the yard.
  98. Yell
    Definition: To shout loudly, typically because of excitement or anger.
    Example Sentence: She had to yell to be heard over the noise.
  99. Zoo
    Definition: a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens
    Example Sentence: We saw many animals at the zoo.
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