A2-Level: Unit 10 Review and Reflection

Unit 10 Lesson Plan: Review and Reflection

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to reflect on their progress and achievements in learning English, review previously learned vocabulary, texts, and recordings from earlier units, and write a reflection on their English learning journey.


Materials Needed:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Handouts with review texts from previous units
  3. Audio recordings from earlier lessons
  4. Writing materials for students

Duration: 90 minutes (divided into two 45-minute sessions)



Session 1: Review and Speaking Practice (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • Begin the lesson by asking students to share one thing they have learned or achieved in their English learning journey so far.
  2. Vocabulary Review (10 minutes):
    • Conduct a quick review of previously learned vocabulary by having students recall words and phrases from earlier units.
    • Write any unfamiliar words or expressions on the board and discuss their meanings.
  3. Reading Review (10 minutes):
    • Distribute review texts from previous units.
    • Have students read the texts individually or in pairs and summarize the main ideas.
  4. Listening Review (10 minutes):
    • Play recordings from earlier lessons, such as dialogues or audio exercises.
    • Have students listen and answer comprehension questions or discuss the content.
  5. Speaking: Reflecting on Progress (10 minutes):
    • Lead a class discussion on students’ progress and achievements in learning English.
    • Encourage students to share any challenges they have overcome, improvements they have noticed, and goals they have reached.

Session 2: Writing and Reflection (45 minutes)

  1. Writing Task (20 minutes):
    • Assign students to write a reflection on their English learning journey, covering topics such as their strengths and weaknesses, memorable experiences, and goals for the future.
    • Encourage students to be honest and reflective in their writing, and provide examples to support their reflections.
  2. Peer Sharing and Feedback (15 minutes):
    • Have students exchange their reflections with a partner.
    • Encourage peer feedback on the clarity, depth, and organization of the reflections.
  3. Individual Reflection (10 minutes):
    • Allow students time to revise their reflections based on peer feedback and make any final edits.
  4. Wrap-Up and Reflection (5 minutes):
    • Reflect on the lesson as a class, discussing what students learned from reviewing previous units and writing their reflections.
    • Encourage students to continue setting goals and working towards improvement in their English learning journey.

Homework: Assign students to set one specific goal for their English learning and outline a plan for achieving it. Encourage them to incorporate strategies they have found effective during the course.


Assessment: Assess students’ participation in speaking activities, their ability to recall and use previously learned vocabulary, texts, and recordings, and the depth and thoughtfulness of their written reflections on their English learning journey. Use informal assessments such as observation, class discussions, and written assignments to gauge student progress.