A2-Level: Greeting and Introductions

Unit 1 Lesson Plan: Greetings and Introductions


Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to confidently greet others, introduce themselves, engage in basic conversations, and write short introductions about themselves using common greetings, personal information, and simple conversational phrases.

Materials Needed:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Handouts with sample greetings, introductions, and short texts
  3. Audio recordings of greetings and basic conversations
  4. Writing materials for students

Duration: 90 minutes (divided into two 45-minute sessions)


Session 1: Introduction and Speaking Practice (45 minutes)

  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • Greet students as they enter the classroom and engage in small talk to create a friendly atmosphere.
    • Ask students to share their experiences with greetings in different contexts (e.g., meeting new people, formal vs. informal settings).
  2. Introduction to Greetings (10 minutes):
  3. Introducing Oneself (15 minutes):
    • Model introducing yourself by stating your name, age, and nationality.
    • Provide examples of simple introductions (e.g., “Hello, my name is [Name]. I’m [age] years old, and I’m from [country].”).
    • Have students practice introducing themselves in pairs, focusing on clear pronunciation and fluency.
  4. Basic Conversation Practice (15 minutes):
    • Introduce common conversational phrases (e.g., “How are you?”, “Nice to meet you,” “What’s your name?”, “Where are you from?”).
    • Conduct role-plays where students greet each other and engage in brief conversations using the phrases introduced.
    • Provide feedback on pronunciation, intonation, and conversational fluency.

Session 2: Vocabulary, Reading, Listening, and Writing (45 minutes)

  1. Vocabulary Review (10 minutes):
    • Review common greetings and personal information vocabulary from the previous session.
    • Use flashcards or visuals to reinforce vocabulary retention.
  2. Reading Activity (10 minutes):
  3. Listening Exercise (10 minutes):
    • Play audio recordings of greetings and basic conversations.
    • Ask students to listen carefully and identify the greetings and conversational phrases they hear.
  4. Writing Task (15 minutes):
    • Provide students with writing prompts to create short introductions about themselves.
    • Encourage students to incorporate the vocabulary and phrases they’ve learned during the lesson.
    • Circulate the classroom to provide assistance and feedback as students work on their writing tasks.
  5. Wrap-Up and Reflection (5 minutes):
    • Have students share their written introductions with a partner or the class.
    • Encourage peer feedback and discussion on areas for improvement.
    • Reflect on the lesson as a class, discussing what they found challenging and what they enjoyed.

Homework: Assign students to practice greeting and introducing themselves to family members or friends outside of class. Encourage them to pay attention to cultural differences in greetings if applicable.

Assessment: Observe students’ participation in speaking activities, their ability to engage in basic conversations, and the clarity and accuracy of their written introductions. Use informal assessments such as observation, class discussions, and written assignments to gauge student progress.